Democratic change?

  • martin_vrieze
    Posts: 484

    I believe it is good for the party not controlling the White House to have control over at least one of the houses of Congress. This helps maintain some check against one party running amok. Does less get done…absolutely. However, what does get done in mixed government is generally better, less one-sided legislation.

    I liked having Republicans in control of Congress when Clinton was President. Some good, bi-partisan legislation was passed during those years.

    I generally have not liked how things have worked over the past 6 years…a lot of one-sided legislation that favored special groups…and a lot worse partisan bickering.

    Let the Dems provide that counter-balance to the Rep controlled White House. Better yet, let’s make sure there is split control in ’08 when we get a new president.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Look for the commericals to get even better. I like the old lady in the Hatch ad.

    “ah cripes, Mike Hatch jacked up my HMO in 01. I cant afford a pair a choppers let along Mike Hatch. “ah cripes”

    I got a flyer from the Dems in the mail yesterday. It said Pawlenty has cut funding across the board and its hurting the state. In other words the flyer was telling me they cant wait until they get ahold of our tax dollars.

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