Democratic change?

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I am going to put out a potentially hostile post, and if it goes that way, I will lock it or delete it all together.

    OK, that being said, a while back Rivereyes made a comment about the ebb and flow of politics here in the US. The Dem’s will get control for a couple terms, and then the Rep’s will get it back, and on, and on, and on…It is just the natural progression of events here in the US. There will always be the US Vs.THEM mentality with Rep’s lining up against the Dem’s, and vica-versa.

    It appears this is going to be a correction year where the Dem’s again take control. (My opinion…) There are a lot of people out there that think that if a Dem is in charge, all our troops will come home, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will come to an end, taxes will drop significantly, and gas will go below $2.00 per gallon and stay there.

    Being civil here, what do you think the most significant changes would be if the Dem’s took/take control? And do you think we can come back in two years to see if they are realized?

    Be nice now. I am serious, I would really like to know what you think.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I think the Rep will stay in control. But if the Dems get control, taxes will get out of hand, the economy will get better and they will take credit for it. I cant wait for it to end. Sick of the he said she said commercials. Its like a bunch of school girls on the playground.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019


    There are a lot of people out there that think that if a Dem is in charge, all our troops will come home, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will come to an end, taxes will drop significantly, and gas will go below $2.00 per gallon and stay there.

    Thats the problem, these things will never happen no matter who the ringmaster of the circus is.
    Uneducated people have an imaginary correlation between democrats and the things you listed. That is a problem but not the main.

    Posts: 1455

    I can’t wait for the Whig party to come back into power!

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    As far as wars ect nothing will change.
    Dems are liberal in nature and tend to expand things including programs which of coarse raises taxes. they also tend to not be afraid to change your rights. Gun issues aside you can expect them to also attempt changes to freedom of speech,(they don” like to be critiqued) and religion. I am a little worried if a Dem gets into office for all of our overseas issues. We will probably be expanding the national dept supporting even more countries than we do today.
    Guess it goes back to basic politics. If you want change and liberalizm in the leadership of this country then vote Dem. If you want conservatizm vote Rep.
    Personally I’m voting Rep.
    Good post Chris, Hope it stays clean.
    My views.

    Posts: 1025

    I laugh at the Dems who critisize the war! Many of them were either for it or did not speak like they are now of it. Seeing what has happened now they backpedal knowing that by saying the right things they will gain some people for their elections.

    Either way I have never agreed with any politition on everything so I just vote for the coolest name!!

    OK I was joking on that part!!

    Posts: 814

    If the liberals get in charge again we will be fighting a war in the us because all of the countries will come here because the blasted liberals are to scared to send people to fight. they are all threats and no actions. I support bush 100 percent and still stand beside him right now.

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    What makes me mad is the media seems to be winning another war. The last one was Vietnam. If the media wins we lose in Afghanistan and Iraq and at home. Our troops lose. If you can’t see it then pull your head out of the sand.
    I’m hoping there are a lot of silent Americans out there that will come out and vote against the Democrats. I went through this once and don’t want to see it again.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    What makes me mad is the media seems to be winning another war.

    I’d agree with that. CNN -(Communist News Network)

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    Regardless of what happens, Nugent will become Governer & then I will move to Michigan.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 129

    Scary thoughts there, Tuck. These are not your good ole’ fashioned Democrats, who you could have reasonable differences of opinions with about how to get to where we all want to go, and shared many of the same ultimate goals for the future of the country with. This bunch is the product of ’60’s radicalism. God, help the USA if they ever really get power. Believe you me, you ain’t gonna like it!! Pay attention. Has anyone accually read the Democratic Party Platform? Would be great “Fright Night” reading on Halloween. Hold your nose if you must, and vote Republican. I’m not at all happy with ’em either, but there are ways to deal with them from within. We have to let ’em know emphatically what we won’t tolerate. ie Harriet Meyers, Border, etc.


    St Cloud MN, Leech Lake
    Posts: 416

    Can you say 18% mortgage rates and busts.

    Posts: 2294

    Finally, a non-partisan campaign joke (with a message) we can all
    live with !!!

    A powerful senator dies after a prolonged illness. His soul arrives in Heaven where he is met by St.Peter. Welcome to Heaven,” says St. Peter.” We seldom see a high
    official around these parts, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”

    “No problem, just let me in,” says the guy.

    “I’d like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.”

    “Really, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in Heaven,” says the senator.

    “I’m sorry but rules are rules.” And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a club and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening attire. They run to greet him, hug him and reminisce about the good times they had while
    getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster and caviar.
    Also present is the Devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

    Everyone gives him a big hug and waves while the elevator rises. The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in Heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

    Now it’s time to visit Heaven.”, he says.

    So 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

    “Well then, you’ve spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity.”

    He reflects for a minute, then the senator answers, “Well, I would never have said it, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell.”
    So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Hell.

    Now the doors of the elevator open and he is in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags. The Devil comes over to him and lays his arm on his neck.

    “I don’t understand,” stammers the senator. “Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and club and we ate lobster and caviar and danced and had a great time. Now all there is, is a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.”

    The Devil looks at him, smiles and says, “Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted for us!”


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    huh.. as a centrist I guess I see restoration of balance as a good thing… go too far right.. thats not good.. too far left.. thats not good either… the 2 sides tend to balance out by canceling each other out..

    from what I read if the “dems” gain power it will be a small edge… certainly not enough to dominate anything.. and obviously the president is still R… and who knows what the next prez will be… I wouldnt care to predict that.. it will probably be close.. like the last couple…. plus from what Ive read the Ds wont change too many in place initiatives… they want to show that they can be strong against terrorism.. and that they dont wimp out in the face of conflict and also that they dont go crazy raising taxes.. they have been beat with those sticks too often and they know that it hurts them…. I dont think you will see the cliche Ds… not for a long time.. maybe never… the face of politics changes… pendulums swing.. balance is restored….

    kind of funny how scandals seem to be what turns the balance of power… last time it was clintons.. this time foleys…. its not even politics!… and yet…. when it comes down to it… everything is politics… I dont even listen to these TV and radio adds…. what a bunch of lies and half truths from both sides.. I wish they would actually debate some issues instead of making personal attacks on each other over and over and over…. it makes me not want to vote for ANY of them….

    PS (the below content is mostly unrelated to THIS or ANY other thread here.. its just an observation)

    you know whats kind of funny? it just seems that people LOVE to have something to debate… Im on a photo site.. which in a WAY resembles this site.. they all love photography of course.. but you got your nikon people and your canon people.. and the off brand people.. thats the first division… and you got people that focus on different things… like nature photogs, wedding photogs, travel/lifestyle photogs… etc… and of course a few just general photogs….

    but this week there has been a HUGE debate.. because in the online photo contest there have been photos winning that dont look “natural”… they have been heavily modified with software/special effects to give them a kind of surreal look… and the contest rules say that entries should look “natural”…. there IS a catagory for digital art… but why compete in THAT catagory when you can beat the brains out of someone in another catagory with your greatly enhanced photo vs their “natural” one…. well.. anyway…… its pretty funny… and just as productive as a religous or political debate… lots of hard feelings and name calling.. and nothing resolved… I guess its the same where ever ya go…. *sigh*…

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    how many of you libs intend on voting for socialist Hillary?


    Alma, Wi
    Posts: 68

    If dems take control you can expect an all out assaualt on your second amendment rights, taxes will be raised because the economy is so bad.
    Apparently the dems don’t follow the Dow Jones industrials as the Dow broke 12000! Unemployment is at 4.some percent.
    The economy is the best its ever been.Dems hate Bush. Wewill be worse off with them in office.
    I just wish they’d join the home team.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    I hope the rep still keep the office. Again what ever issues are not PC with the media the rep will get slammed everytime and literally twice on Sundays.

    As for the war, people need to look at history….
    first and formost this isn’t even close to vietnam. It is a completely different war I don’t care what anyone says, thier is no comparison.
    Secondly how long did it take the United States of America to “settle down”??? I don’t think it was done in 4 years or even 10 after the revolution….. It is an extremly long process to create a country that is a complete 180 of what it was.
    As far as the economy goes, dems look heavily at unions and unfortunately each and every union has shot themselves in the foot. Greed on both side was the demise, should they have got more, yes, but in the end they put themselves out of jobs with strikes and such. My family has been in unions for decades, Ford and NWA. They all knew it was going to come to an end sooner or later.

    well that was some serious rambling so basicly go reps!!

    Albany, Missouri
    Posts: 74

    I would agree with Chris that the political mood of the country does tend to point to a change leaning towards Democrats….simply because the vast majority of Americans don’t think for themselves on issues and let polls or the media make their decisions for them. It is really sad because I for one do not want my second amendment rights to take a backslide of 6 years. I also can’t fathom the idea of activist judges legislating from the bench, and the ideals of the ACLU taking root. What a mess this could turn into. Also, imagine if we just deal with International crisis through the United Nations. Don’t get me wrong…..Bush has made plenty of mistakes but I think just mistakes in judgement…..he has stood by his convictions…..and I happen to believe in them. Where we are possibly headed is scary to me!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4519

    It will likely be gridlock until 2008. When Nancy Pelosi points out all the things she will do in the 1st 100 hours, she still needs Bush to sign anything passed.

    If Hillary is indeed the 2008 candidate, I dont see her having a chance in heck of winning. Too much baggage and simply not likeable in the least. Do the 20% of independents actually want to here that cackle for the next 4 years?

    Honestly (and I might be completely wrong), I dont see the Dems taking control of either house. Polls are extremely unreliable this early and usually have significant built in bias. If you look into their own means of determining the sample, most have a 8-10% more Dems than Reps responding. They claim this is because there are more reg Dems than Reps, so it is representative. However, the margin has been closer to 1-3% Dem edge for the last 10 years.

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    I personally think it is time for change, I vote democrat almost all the time. I like to look a person and look at there voting record, and not judge them on one issue. As a union rep I understand you can’t make a decision and make everyone in your party happy, you have to make decisions that will be in the best interest of everyone. As a leader that may mean crossing lines because you have the insight on something your group doesn’t see or is not willing to see. A perfect example of that is strikes, unless you have a very strong market share, walking out on a customer will only cause hard feelings and probably eliminate you from ever working for that customer again.

    As far as taxes, I just take a look at what happened when we so called lowered taxes, my propery taxes took a huge increase, my utility bills went up, schools needed to pass new referendums because they had little money to operate, fishing and hunting licenses increased, Police and Fireman cuts, and then around election time gas mysteriously drops. Bottom line is it takes money to run the economy, if you take from one place the other gets shorted.

    As for the war, I think we were decieved. Has anyone ever checked Haliburton stock befor the war and what it is currently. My cousin was in Iraq fighting the war, one comment he made was that you can’t change religion, It will take a new generation of Iraqis that don’t know blood and violance before a democracy can be established, simply because that is what they have know for all these years. Regardless of what was done in the past or why we are still there we need to make the best decisions for America on what to do.

    Last is the JOB Z program in Minnesota set of by the Gov. Give a company tax free incentives to move to town, then allow the work to be done without prevailing wages. The Minnesotan workers are footing the bill, they deserve the right to work on these project and be able to bid copetitively.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I don’t think the Liberals will take over control but I do see the GOP losing some ground. Should the dems take over control we can expect to pay higher taxes, see more dollars pumped into social programs and see less money for defense. I don’t know that they would pull our troops out but I’d imagine that they numbers would decrease significantly and the overall approach to terrorism would be softened somewhat. I’d be more concerned about more terrorist attacks on our own soil as well. I’ll admit that I am pretty conservative. I guess it all has to do with the values that were instilled in me in my youth.


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4519

    Why do you feel that we need unions?

    Taxes-Fed tax cut has no impact on what you are talking about. Also, tax revenues are up over projected-so like it or not, tax cuts resulted in more Federal tax income. You can blame Jesse for the prop taxes, he gave you a rebate and took the cap off of what they can do to the annual value of your home that the tax is based on. You can blame developing nations for higher energy cost.

    Haliburton, all energy costs are up, so energy companies are doing well. Haliburton is trailing the energy sector. The war really isnt helping them, rising energy costs are-again, see developing nations creating more demand for resources.

    “prevailing wages”…..hmmmm…..

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    If the Dems the get control their goals will be:

    * Redeploy troops in Afghanistan and Iraq (I.e cut and run)

    * Raise Taxes

    * Redistribute income (Tax the Wealthy and seize their property)

    * Implement many new social /welfare programs

    * Increase the size of Government to administer the many new social/welfare programs

    * Treat Terrorism as a legal problem , not as a war , thereby allowing Terrorists

    access to our legal system rather than being tried by military tribunals!

    * Provide amnesty to illegal aliens, while maintaining open borders!

    * Treat Terrorists with kid gloves

    * Stack the courts with liberal judges that do not believe in hard time for convicted criminals, rather


    * A continued onslaught on traditional Judeo-Christian values such as eliminating God and Christmas from public

    display, promoting gay marriage and abortion

    * Change America to a more secular/socialist country like Europe (i.e. France)

    To get a better insight, a must read is the number one best seller “Culture Warrior” by Bill O’Reilly!

    Being almost Halloween, I can’t seem to get a costumed Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi out of my mind!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Personally I don’t mind things the way they are right now. What I find is interesting is how you hear so little about our economy as it is improving. As it was going in the tank Democrats were quick to blame our new president, GWB at the time. Yet, he had nothing to do with it.

    As our economy moves in the right direction, you don’t hear anyone talking about it. I guess in politics and today’s media culture, we just have to assume no news is good news. We all know a feel good/positive story is worth nothing these days

    The best example is the stories you hear about the war in Iraq. For all the good our troops are doing, all the great stories that could be reported, what do we hear?

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    I am going to put out a potentially hostile post, and if it goes that way, I will lock it or delete it all together.

    OK, that being said, a while back Rivereyes made a comment about the ebb and flow of politics here in the US.

    I would reply but I don’t think I’m qualified seeing as how I don’t even know what “the ebb and flow of politics” means…

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    how many of you libs intend on voting for socialist Hillary?


    Hillary won’t be the candidate. Political suicide for the Dems. Never happen.

    If they are smart, they will pick a more Centrist candidate and try to get the votes of people like me and Rivereyes. They may not be smart though.

    I’m tired of the far right, I’m tired of the far left. Get me a candidate who thinks on his own and can try and bring the country and politics back together rather than split them (possibly impossible) and they will get my vote.

    Posts: 304

    There seems to be a lot of veterans on board here,as am I.I am not loyal to nor am I affiliated with any one party.Something that has always amazed me is how a guy who’s daddy got him into the Texas Air National Guard so he wouldn’t have to go to Vietnam and the VP,who avoided military service via deferment,have gained such support amongst veterans.GB sr.or,daddy,is another story.A decorated WW2 vet.Even if you didn’t care for his politics,you have to respect a man who went and did what he had to do.

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    WOW, and they say America is Polarized. I just thought it was to see the fish better.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4519

    So when my father enlisted in the Air Force and went to Germany and fixed airplanes before he was drafted during Viet Nam means that he didnt truly serve his country?

    Hmmm….I will have to mention that to him. I think he thought he was doing the best thing for his pregnant wife AND his country. I guess he is just a draft dodger after all.

    Posts: 18

    “Can you say 18% mortgage rates and busts”

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