Hi, New user here – greetings to all! Wondering why there is not a “Metro Lakes” section? I tend to focus on the rivers but also enjoy lake fishing – usually right here in the metro.
Good fishing to all!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Metro Lakes
Hi, New user here – greetings to all! Wondering why there is not a “Metro Lakes” section? I tend to focus on the rivers but also enjoy lake fishing – usually right here in the metro.
Good fishing to all!
This was actually mentioned some time ago and if I remember right there just wasn’t enough supporting response to the idea. However, there were less readers of the site at that time compared to where we are today so maybe it’s worth revisiting the idea.
Good Question!!
Calhoun, Harriet, Nokomis are all good lakes – as lakes go (They sure aren’t the St Croix or the Mississippi!) – I’d like to see some expert reports!
Welcome aboard Steve. Check out the Lake Minnetonka Forum as there are ususally different Metro Lakes talked about on that forum. Mike Finke is the moderator for that forum plus he guides on Metro Lakes so he could probably answer your questions there. Bill
Hey Steve,
I throw just about everything I have on the Tonka forum. There are quite a few reports archived as well from the past couple of years. Glad to have ya aboard!! Where do you usually fish?
Sorry for the late reply… Thanks! I usually fish the St Croix – open water and hard. I also like to fish right in the metro – Calhoun, Harriet, Nokomis. I like those because no snowmobiles/atvs, etc. Pretty pristene fishing, actually!
While walleye fishing Calhoun one day we ran into numbers of 3-5+lb bass. All in around 15′ on the edge of the weedline on the main midlake hump. Talk about fun! I remember seeing some kind of charity tourney results (one pro/guide and one intercity child) of a bass touney on Calhoun from a couple of years ago. 50 bass over 5lbs and the largest over 6lb for 35 boats. Not bad!
I used to fish Calhoun as well for bass. This is a great bass lake as the others are as the other two are as well.
We used to get the weedline crankbait bite going in mid August pretty good for some mules!!! Always bonus fish to boot as well.
Has anyone ever fished Steiger Lake down by Victoria right off of Hwy 5? This is a catch and release lake for all species but panfish, but its got some great bass fishing as well. I used to fish this one quite a bit. You need a Carver country sticker or pay at the box. A little bit of a dark colored lake and the weedline ended about 6-7 feet of water. Just a blast with jig/pig’s mid summer. Here is a link to the lake.
If there is continual attention and support for a metro lakes forum, I think that could be put in the works.
I work with some kids that fish this lake quite a bit. I haven’t heard of any ice reports from that lake in over a month though. I keep thinking it’s another lake I need to try out. Luckily, there are about 20 lakes within 10 mins of the house that I plan to get very familiar with.
Sorry guys, I added the long URL to my previous post and it screwed up this post a little.
Thats the reason for the long and wide post.
That’s okay! James says it’s the DMan who’s up to no good! We’ll just shift the blame over to James’s department and let him handle this! No sense in marring your good reputation is there?
Now, to set it up right, all you need to do is ask, “How did Dman manage to post as me on this forum?” in the next post and you’ll be in fine company once again!
Have a good day sir!
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