Prayers needed for my HERO!

  • mpearson
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I’ve seen alot of these kinds of posts so I thought I would give it a shot as well. My father has been in the hospital now for over a week and looks like he’ll be able to go home tomorrow…he is 75 and has bone and lung cancer. The reason for him going home is so that he can be “home” when he passes. My prayers that I am looking for are not for a miracle but prayers for a pieceful end. He has been a great father in that he was always there for us as kids. He introduced my brother and I into the world of the great outdoors…from camping at an early age to grouse, squirrel and deer hunting when we were old enough. He is and always will be one of my hero’s. Thank you all in advance for your kind thoughts and prayers..this is a great website and a great way to reach out!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    God Bless you, your family, and especially your father!!!!!

    Prayers are with you and all.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    It sounds like you have many memories to cherish. Our household prayers will be sent.

    Posts: 1025

    God Bless you and your family!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Time at home is valuable for your Father, and also for the entire family. Prayers for your family.
    If he needs the extra care at sometime, Hospice care is Wonderful.
    God Bless,

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    Prayers have been sent. God Bless.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Sorry to hear that Dartman. Remember the times you had with him. Mine and my families prayers are with your family at this difficult time.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    Cherish every minute with him. Sounds like you have been your whole life. Prayers sent.


    Posts: 3681

    Your family are in our prayers.May your father go in peace.

    Rochester Minn
    Posts: 339

    My prayers are with your faimly and hope it is a peaceful closure for your hero. Sounds like he was a great dad. Jim

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Prayers to your family, hospice really is a better way. They took care of my mother for her and us.

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    Prayers to you and yours.Cherish the good times and hopefully you are making the same impression on some youngster yourself.Best wishes in all.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    my prayers go out to your hero…your father…keep remembering the good times at this sad time…jay

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Sorry to hear that Dartman. My prayers go out to you and your family.

    Just be sure to tell your dad what he meant to you, and cherish those memories for the rest of your life.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    My family’s prayers will be with yours.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    Sorry to hear about this. My prayers go out to you and your family.


    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    It is never good bye Its Ill see you later for we will all rejoin. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    My prayers are on their way.

    Posts: 5130

    My thoughts are with you, your dad, and your family.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    You,your father, and your family will never be alone. I will pray for a peaceful and painless passing, God will take care of him and your family. You are among friends, lean when you need to, I will ask my dad to make room in his boat, the fish are always biting in heaven.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    It’s great to have a HERO. It’s hard to see your HERO suffer: prayers out for you and yours.

    Milan Il
    Posts: 407

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your Family

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Your Dad , you and the family are in my prayers. Tell you Dad how much you love him and how much he means to you. Those words will mean ALOT to both you and your Dad. I had that time to say those things to my Dad a few hours before he passed away. I am very glad that we had that time together and he knew how much I loved him. It gave me a peace knowing that I had that talk with him. He couldn’t respond but I knew he was hearing me. I also talked to him about the Lord too and I know he is with him today. He was closer to HIM than I thought I found out from his pastor. I’m very thankfull for that. My Dad gave me the love I have for being on the water and my love for boats. Theres something about the water thats so peacefull. Your Dad will have that peace for eternity when hes with the Lord. You will too right along with him when you someday enter the gates of Heaven. Then you both will be together forever. Please remember that. Only the body dies. Your body is like your clothing. The real you, your soul, inside that body will live forever. Please remember and believe. You will have peace that way.
    Thanks, Bill

    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    Dartman, thoughts and prayers from my family to yours

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    We are in prayer with you and your family for your Dad.
    Every passing of our love ones is difficult but we do not go in despair. We know and believe what our Lord tells us that this is also a beginning of a new journey to our true home in heaven. And we are going to end up there, too.
    The death can not separate us any more because of Christ victory over death. THIS IS OUR HOPE. THIS IS OUR JOY!!!

    Have you ever heard Minnesota’s band of Elliot Brothers?

    One of the songs they sing I would recommend for you and your Dad to hear:


    I bet your dad will love it.

    If you can’t find it, go to and look on forum there. I’ll post your request for prayer on our SOS PRAYERS REUQST site there.

    Blessings and prayers
    Father Walleye

    shane huskey
    holmen wi
    Posts: 56

    may he once again find the happy hunting and fishing grounds he found with his kids.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know exactly what you are going thru right now, 3 or 4 weeks ago don’t even remember the time anymore my mom was hospitalized and diagnosed with lung cancer from smoking meaning it is in the inner lining of the lungs so surgery is not an option she just turned 60 and wow is it ever a heart breaker finding out that someone that close to you is living for a shorter time then one would like to expect. As you stated they sent her home as well but only to return the next day after her birthday. I have not been able to go see her or attend her birthday due to me having pnuemonia, so I live each day with a phone call finding out her situation. It is a hard way to live.
    I feel your pains and not knowing where to turn and how to make the turns in life now. My prayers will have you and your family included and we can only hope for the best and the most painless way from here…

    Posts: 2627

    I know this is a very hard time for you and your family and you will be in my prayers. From a parents view your post really touched me. What more could any father want than to be his sons hero. He has obviously done a wonderful job raising you and as long as you draw a breath I believe he will be there with you in spirit. His journey on this Earth has been long and it is about over but yours is to now carry on the values he instilled in you. I dare say it sounds like he left you some awful big footsteps to fill.

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    my prayers are with you I was there with both my father and father-in-law at there time of passing and I am greatfull that I had the chance to tell them that I loved them both
    sorry for your loss but he is going to a place of no pain or sorrow be happy for him

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