and again, and again. I will never forget, never forgive, never surrender.
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It’s been posted before and will be again…
September 28, 2006 at 2:55 am #483555
fishahollic, Sometimes in time we do kinda forget what happened that day although we do not forget it all, but yet we do not keep it in our minds. A refresher is needed to remind us why we are where we are today and what we are doing there… THANK YOU!
Posts: 156IceJohn
Posts: 167September 28, 2006 at 5:08 pm #483734Quote:
Send it to Bush. Apparently he forgot.
Not only did he forget, he turned Iraq into a recruiting office.
September 28, 2006 at 5:56 pm #483754Quote:
Send it to Bush. Apparently he forgot.
Not only did he forget, he turned Iraq into a recruiting office.
You guys who think President Bush has forgotten about 9/11 are clearly out of tune with reality. The President speaks about 9/11 in every speech he makes, and apparently unknown to you he does speak every day.
September 28, 2006 at 7:36 pm #483792Amen John.
I didn’t even want to give them the satisfaction of responding to those BS remarks.
September 28, 2006 at 10:03 pm #483835Thanks for posting this. This is the first time I’ve seen it, and it won’t be the last. I will never forget.
Posts: 525September 28, 2006 at 10:20 pm #483838Liberals forget that in the first months after Saddam’s overthrow the terrorist governments of Syria and Libya made real concessions on issues like support of terror groups and the manufacture of nuclear weapons. For a time, outlaw governments were afraid of being overthrown by the US military. Now that fear is gone, thanks to the “anti-war” movement here in the US.
I am afraid we are returning to the Clinton era, when all Islamic-fascist terrorists had to do was kill a few Rangers in Somalia and know that the Democratic Party would immediately declare defeat, as Clinton did in 1993. Bin Laden himself said as much. Clinton, of course, also did nothing after the first bombing of the World Trade Centers, refused to kill Bin Laden in Sudan, and did nothing after the bombing of the USS Cole. The Democrat’s inaction and cowardice in the 1990s emboldened Al Queda, and gave them time to plan the September 11 attacks.
Of course, liberals want us to forget that Islamic-fascism was a threat to the US before the invasion of Iraq, which is why we get statements about “turning Iraq into a recruting ground.” Islamic terrorists were trying to kill Americans before 2003 and before President Bush took office, and I would much rather fight Islamo-fascists in Iraq than have them flying jets into skyscrapers in New York. Apparently the Democratic Party feels otherwise, which is why they want to withdraw from Iraq and turn the country over to Al-Queda and the Iranian mullahs (who are close to developing nuclear weapons). Any concession, any retreat in the face of Islamo-fascism is perceived as weakness and defeat for the US by the Islamic world, which is something liberals either don’t understand or don’t care about. After the invasion of Iraq, for a brief moment the US was taken seriously in the Muslim world, but now we look weak again, thanks to the defeatist Democratic Party.
Bill Clinton was also the president who allowed North Korea to keep its “peaceful” nuclear program in return for a promise to not build nuclear weapons–how is that working out?
The Democratic Party’s policy of appeasement and surrender makes the world a more dangerous place, not the Republican Party’s policy of confronting terrorism head-on in places like Iraq.
September 28, 2006 at 11:18 pm #483849Quote:
Send it to Bush. Apparently he forgot.
Not only did he forget, he turned Iraq into a recruiting office.
Apparently the alternative would have been more appealing to you all? Turn our back, and ignore that it (911) happened?
I don’t know which America you were born and raised in, but mine would not (And is not!) standing for it.
The war in Iraq is not pretty, we all can agree on that. But until the Iraqi armed forces are up and running to fend for themselves it will continue to be ugly. We cannot free them from the tyrant that ruled the country before, just to throw them to the wolves and allow radical groups to take control, only do this all over again in a few years!
Where is the rest of the world? How can everyone else (Not everyone, we have some awesome allies helping!) stand by and not join the fight against the radical groups doing the killing?
Bush had the cahones to stand up and do something about it. The rest of the world was fine with a leader who was killing his own people by the thousands.(?) Apparently so.
So the next time you want to stand there and criticize Bush, (Or any American leader.) think about what could have been, and get back to me. Otherwise I think the French could use your help.
September 29, 2006 at 12:51 am #483867Well said Vikefan and Tuckner….. Thanks for the reminder……it does get the blood boiling!!
September 29, 2006 at 1:49 am #483881Personally, I don’t need to ever see that to remember. But that’s just me…
Posts: 65heimdawg
Posts: 156September 29, 2006 at 6:10 pm #484080Yeap, he pulls out that little trump card every time he needs us to believe that we are “at war with the terrorists”….NONE of which lead back to Iraq.
Posts: 156September 29, 2006 at 6:21 pm #484089Quote:
Send it to Bush. Apparently he forgot.
Not only did he forget, he turned Iraq into a recruiting office.
Apparently the alternative would have been more appealing to you all? Turn our back, and ignore that it (911) happened?
I don’t know which America you were born and raised in, but mine would not (And is not!) standing for it.
The war in Iraq is not pretty, we all can agree on that. But until the Iraqi armed forces are up and running to fend for themselves it will continue to be ugly. We cannot free them from the tyrant that ruled the country before, just to throw them to the wolves and allow radical groups to take control, only do this all over again in a few years!
Where is the rest of the world? How can everyone else (Not everyone, we have some awesome allies helping!) stand by and not join the fight against the radical groups doing the killing?
Bush had the cahones to stand up and do something about it. The rest of the world was fine with a leader who was killing his own people by the thousands.(?) Apparently so.
So the next time you want to stand there and criticize Bush, (Or any American leader.) think about what could have been, and get back to me. Otherwise I think the French could use your help.
Unbelievable. You guys can sit here, watch a replay of those buildings coming down and then defend Bush when the man responsible has not been killed/captured? And then go after Clinton for not doing anything about it? It was the BUSH administration that said Clinton had Bin Laden too high on the threat list. THEY said he was spending too much time chasing him. It was the REBUPLICANS who said it was “wag the dog” when Clinton went after him. And that was BEFORE the attack on NY and DC. It was the BUSH administration that fired Richard Clark when he said that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Then the attacks happen and 5 years later and we have a lunatic captured in Saddam and a country in shambles. These next 2 years cannot go buy fast enough.
Believe me, I’m not a liberal…I’m not even a democrat. I’m someone who can read and not have the media filter what I need to know. Think for yourselves people.
September 29, 2006 at 6:36 pm #484096I actually do a lot of reading and have the BS filter turned all the way up. Sounds like you have too big a dose of CNN (That’s the Clinton News Network) All the retort from Clinton happening 6 years after he leaves office and 2 years since Bush was re-elected? Come on, that’s all BS and everyone sees right through it. The right has been making those allegation for years and Clinton gets his undies in a bunch now? What’s up with that?
Clinton said it correctly. He tried and failed. Maybe if he tried harder and kept his zipper in the correct position, Bush wouldn’t have to come in and spend 8 years cleaning up the mess!
September 29, 2006 at 6:39 pm #484097The only thing I don’t understand is this:
It is wrong to “occupy” Iraq, post war…..
But it was ok to “occupy”:
Germany for 60 years post war
Japan for 60 years post war
Korea for 53 years, post war
Somalia…… war
Bosnia………Post warThe only reason we did not occupy Vietnam, was due to pulling out of the country…….we we all saw what happened to South Vietnam when we left……..They turned Communist….
So, why the uproar with the post war occupation of Iraq? We are talking pulling out of there in a couple of years and people are up in arms about it. Why are you same people up in arms about Iraq not protesting our current occupation of Germany, Japan, and Korea, as well as our soldiers in Somalia and Bosnia???
I just don’t understand?
Why was it ok for Clinton to invade Bosnia, but wrong for Bush to invade Iraq? Both (Milosovich and Hussein) were tyrants guilty of terrorism and genocide.
I don’t get it……If one is wrong, both are wrong. You are either anti-war or you are not. Keep the political stance out of it, either way and everyone that comments holds water to the conversation. That applies to people on both sides of the water. Don’t support Bush on his invasion if you are against Clinton on his, and don’t support Clinton on his invasions if you are against Bush and his invasions.
IF you want us out of Iraq, then you better be protesting to get our stinking butts out of Korea, RIGHT NOW. Dang this makes me mad!!!!!
Does anyone realize that RIGHT now, YES right now, as we sit at our comfy desk, that SHOTS are being fired across the DMZ between North/South Korea??? You didn’t know that, did you???? Pot-shots are fired every day across the border. However, the vast majority of the shooting is between the North and South Koreans.
The tension is higher now then it has been in 30 years at Korea.
You want something to cry about to your Congressman? Then ask him WHY are we still in Korea, when it is common military knowledge and acceptance that the day North Korea invades South Korea, the North Korean Military will be at the southern tip of South Korea within 12 hours? Meaning that the day the North Korean’s invade, we (the US Soldiers) will not be able to stop them. We do not have the needed military strength to stop the invasion when it occurs.
With that said, all of our (US) soldiers will either be slaughtered or taken captive.
Dang, this cooks my goose!!!! Do your research folks, before you blast out biased political blurbs that do not hold any facts. You loose credibility when you state it.
Like I said, I don’t care if you are anti-Bush or anti-Clinton. I don’t care if you are anti-war or not. But if you are going to complain about our occupation in Iraq, then you better open your eyes and look at the big picture of how/why occupations exist and typically how long they exist.
Again, Iraq occupation = 4 years……that is bad??????
Germany occupation = 60 years………that is good?????heimdawg
Posts: 156September 29, 2006 at 6:42 pm #484099Quote:
Maybe if he tried harder and kept his zipper in the correct position, Bush wouldn’t have to come in and spend 8 years cleaning up the mess!
You’re kidding, right? Enjoying paying to fill that boat up? Like those gas prices?
Atleast Clinton admitted he failed at getting Bin Laden. Bush was quoted as saying, “he doesn’t even think of Bin Laden that much.” After that attack on NY and DC he can say that? And that doesn’t bother any of you?Let me guess, the falling gas prices have nothing to do with the November election, right?
September 29, 2006 at 6:44 pm #484100
Let me guess, the falling gas prices have nothing to do with the November election, right?
Posts: 156September 29, 2006 at 6:45 pm #484101I never mentioned we should pull out of Iraq. The point is, we had other obligations to meet. Mainly in Afghanistan. $300 billion and 5 years might have done the job if it were focused on the actual problem.
September 29, 2006 at 6:47 pm #484102Quote:
I never mentioned we should pull out of Iraq. The point is, we had other obligations to meet. Mainly in Afghanistan. $300 billion and 5 years might have done the job if it were focused on the actual problem.
Google up – United Nations Resolution 1441.
Enough said on that.
Posts: 156September 29, 2006 at 6:54 pm #484104Quote:
I never mentioned we should pull out of Iraq. The point is, we had other obligations to meet. Mainly in Afghanistan. $300 billion and 5 years might have done the job if it were focused on the actual problem.
Google up – United Nations Resolution 1441.
Enough said on that.
That was reason number 1 for invading.
Reason #2 was it’s link to terrorism…that turned out false
Reasen #3, the Iraqi people wanted to be liberated….they did?And since we are on the subject, when our fearless cowboy landed on the aircraft carrier and proclaimed, “Mission Accomplished”, exactly what mission was that?
September 29, 2006 at 7:04 pm #484105Quote:
I never mentioned we should pull out of Iraq. The point is, we had other obligations to meet. Mainly in Afghanistan. $300 billion and 5 years might have done the job if it were focused on the actual problem.
We strongly attacked and completed 99% of the mission in Afghanistan. The 1% failure was capturing Bin Laden. We tried bombing him back into the “stone age”. However it was believed that he moved into Pakistan at the time. There are still US troops there searching. However, going into Pakistan would have lead into a major war and occupation of those surrounding countries. In the mean-time, we had Saddam supporting and housing terroism in his country, let alone violation of the treaty. Please do not forget all the threats from Saddam to the US and the President as well.
On November 8th, the Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1441, finding Iraq in material breach of its obligations, and vowing serious consequences if Iraq did not fully and immediately disarm.
If treaty violations do not bother you, please do your homework as to how Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles. Treaty violations are not to be taken lightly, as the world learned their lesson on Hitler violating his treaty.
September 29, 2006 at 7:09 pm #484109
That was reason number 1 for invading.
Why yes, it was. It’s also important to recognize that “Bush” did not invade Iraq, United Nations Forces invaded Iraq.
September 29, 2006 at 7:10 pm #484110Tom (Trigger)
What is the answer then?Should we have left Iraq alone, not have gotten involved at all in the first place? (1991?)
Should we have left the UN (corrupted at the time) to take care of this? A country who was threatening us and our allies?
If that is the case, then we probably should have kept our noses out of Germany? Out of Russia and their activities? Out of China and their activities in North Korea? Same applies for Bosnia and Milosovich with his genocide?
By the way, this is a great debate!
Posts: 156September 29, 2006 at 7:11 pm #484111Now we’re going to use Hitler to make a point? Good God. Atleast Bush has the decency to get permission to torcher, right?
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