We like to talk about the neat fishing catching gear we use, buy, and discover. But I’d like to take a moment to to say something about the people behind all this great tackle we use. I have found the people at Smitty’s Marine Lake City, St. Croix Rods, B-Fish-N Tackle, EFN Store, Fin-Tech [Knuckleball Jigs], Hutchs Tackle [Panther Steering Assist. and Rivera Handlining Systems] and others who I had had the joy of working with and using and promoting their fine products to be the greatest people who not only care about us having great products to use but also are people who care about us as people. They always try their best to keep us all happy and unfortunately alot of times only hear the complaints when someone broke something or something didn’t work. I’d like to take a moment and say ”Thank You” for all you do for us fisherman. We owe you alot as you are always looking out for our best interest in giving us the fine products and service that you do. Thanks, Bill