New Fish limits

  • Eyellaw
    Posts: 2

    Just thought everone would like to see this.

    For more information, contact Steve Hirsch, Fisheries operations
    manager, (651) 297-4918.

    New statewide fish limits approved
    New limits for crappie, sunfish, lake trout and catfish will
    take effect on the 2003 fishing opener next May, the Minnesota
    Department of Natural Resources announced today. The limit changes will
    affect all inland waters and the Minnesota-Canada border waters.
    Daily and possession limits will be reduced for three species,
    with crappie limits going from 15 to 10, sunfish from 30 to 20, and lake
    trout from three to two. The daily and possession limit for catfish will
    remain at five, but only one over 24 inches and two flathead catfish
    will be allowed in the total limit.
    The limit changes are the result of extensive biological
    analysis and public input that began about two years ago. Most Minnesota
    game fish limits have remained unchanged for the last 40 to 70 years,
    yet fishing pressure and technology have increased dramatically during
    that time, according to Ron Payer, director of the DNR Fisheries
    “Our limits have been in place for so long that whatever
    rationale there may have been for them has been lost,” Payer said. “We
    wanted to do an extensive review to see if limit changes could help
    improve fishing.”
    DNR data showed that lake trout harvests have been above
    recommended levels on many waters in northeast Minnesota and the average
    size of crappie and sunfish has been declining statewide. The new limit
    on lake trout is expected to decrease the statewide harvest by as much
    as 30 percent on average and will help maintain lake trout populations
    at a higher level.
    The crappie and sunfish limit changes are expected to reduce
    harvest by only 3 to 4 percent, but the harvest reduction could be
    greater on lakes with exceptional fisheries. The changes could help
    stabilize the declining trend in average size for those species.
    Limit changes were also considered for northern pike, walleye,
    brown trout, and largemouth and smallmouth bass. The biological analysis
    showed that statewide population trends for walleye, brown trout, and
    largemouth and smallmouth bass were stable or increasing. As a result,
    limit changes were not proposed for those species.
    “We will continue to look for opportunities to improve fishing
    for walleye, bass and brown trout with special regulations on specific
    lakes and streams,” Payer said.
    The analysis did show a decline in the number of large northern
    pike, but most anglers rejected a statewide slot limit during the public
    input process. The DNR decided instead to propose special regulations
    for northern pike on a number of lakes around the state, which received
    support from anglers. This proposal is being finalized and details will
    be announced soon.
    “We had to balance the interests of anglers who wanted more
    drastic changes with others who preferred no changes,” said Payer. “We
    learned a lot in this process and had a great dialogue with anglers. One
    conclusion most of us reached is that we will need to review fish limits
    more often in the future.”



    Thanks for the heads up. I know the DNR has been in meetings on the topic. Glad to hear of these changes, long overdue in my opinion.

    Also, this is a well written press release that explains the reason for each the changes or non changes on each species. Thumbs up to the DNR!


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