just alittle nervous

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey jiganator,

    feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you make a similar post (“Hey, check out this new site I found”) over on MNwaterfowler yesterday……and didn’t you recieve a similar response from the Mods and members…..Hmmmmmm? and wasn’t it discovered that you were actually a moderator on said “new site you just found”…….Hmmmmmmm?

    and you’re truely suprised your link was deleted off this site?

    Pretty weak man……Pretty weak

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    This has to be a great site.. Its about the only active site with good people and great information that I havent been banned from at least once just for having an opinion within reason, or liking a product that wasnt paying the site to advertise, or a competitor of a like product.

    There is no better fishing site than IDA

    only problem is too many bass fishermen in a confined area.. ever have that feeling your being watched?

    Real fish have whiskers.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I like the way you think Fisher Dave!

    Posts: 5

    Jake, Matt over at Mnwaterfowler did his thing but he and me talked about it.

    Here and Mnwaterfowler are the only sites out of several that had a problem with me posting a link.

    The site is new with less than 300 members.

    I only joined the site less than a month ago. They were looking for Pro staff people and I applied the first couple of days I was there. I only been a Pro Staff member for a few days

    It was nothing more than a invite to another site to check it out and bs with other hunters and fisherman..NOTHING MORE!

    I’m paid NOTHING! for my services and stand to gain the same NOTHING!

    I now understand why we have the laws in this country we do. You guys would have hung me if you could…a regular Lynch mob.

    I wish Indepth Angling nothing but the best.

    I have friends all over the inter-net on aeveral hunting and fishing sites

    This is the typical thing on most sites(not the one I posted) urine one guy off and take the wrath of the clan/gang who tends to run the site(main group of members)

    That has been discussed over at this new site. They hope to keep the hog piling on someone to a Min.

    Express your view or disagree with someone and you will not suffer being a outcast or banished from enjoying the place.

    Again, I wish Indepth Angling and it’s members nothing but the best

    Sorry to say, this place is not for me

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    This is the typical thing on most sites(not the one I posted) urine one guy off and take the wrath of the clan/gang who tends to run the site(main group of members)

    What impresses me most about this post…….Is that the majority of folks here that responded are fairly new members! I’m pleased to be part of a group, where the new members enjoy what we have here and have already taken pride in being a member!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I think it was pretty well laid out for you Jig…all started by your own post.

    Everyone is welcome here with open arms…even folks that start off bashing our “home” on their second post.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 683


    Everyone is welcome here with open arms…

    YEP, even us non-fisherpersons GREAT SITE here, I do learn alot. It suprises my husband when I can join in on a “fishing” conversation!!!!

    Posts: 525

    This is the only outdoors site I still contribute information to on a regular basis, and that is because I like the way it is run, and the ethical positions of the managment and most of the members. If someone doesn’t like the management and/or the membership, no one is making them post on or visit IDA.

    If anyone wishes to see arrogant, heavy-handed moderators in action, go check out that “other” Minnesota fishing site. Just don’t look for any recent posts from me there because there aren’t any. There is also an Iowa site I no longer visit for various reasons.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318


    It was nothing more than a invite to another site to check it out and bs with other hunters and fisherman..NOTHING MORE!

    Again, that is what we do HERE.
    That is exactly why it was removed.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    I stood up for the site because I like this site! But I am not part of a gang or a clan nor do I have any say on how this site is or should be ran. In fact I have only met 8 guys from this site to this date. But when I do find the gang/clan I will not insult nor will I tell them how they should be running something they started, but I warn you now I will pick your brain for thy knowledge…

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I dusted your post. I almost always send a PM to a site user whose post I whack telling them why. Your post was put up late. I was tired and didn’t get to it. For that, I apologize. Your post didn’t have much content other than “Hey – Here is our website, check it out” Those always get the boot.

    You Wrote:

    “I only joined the site less than a month ago. They were looking for Pro staff people and I applied the first couple of days I was there. I only been a Pro Staff member for a few days”

    That statement make me laugh my A$$ off. You sign up for a fishing/outdoor website and they just make you a pro? Just for sighing up – Come on!

    The IDA PRO STAFF is a select group of individuals. The Pro-Staff on this site meet some tuff requirements. They are all seriously established pro fishermen, full or part time guides or heavily involved in the fishing/hunting/outdoors business. These guy log over 200 days a year on the water/ice. We don’t just make “anyone” a Pro-Staffer here.

    In addition to that our IDA Field Staff is second to none. These guys (Myself included) may not be making a living fishing and hunting. But I’ll guarantee they spend a ton of time in the “Field” and have paid their dues along the way.

    Welcome to IDA. Just don’t post what I considered to be SPAM>


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Im going to answer with a question, do we have to make a living from our decesions and work, making choices on what to do, do we in our own personal trade need someone advertising for our business using our own newspaper. If they want too, advertise somewhere else, i worked for mine, you work for yours, no free rides when it comes to me making a living from what i’ve thought and worked hard for,,,ethics.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    I would like to add that all of the members that I have met and have chatted with on this site have shown nothing but respect to me at all times. I have been out in the boat with several members from this site and I have had nothing but a great time, even if the fish arn’t bitting. and as far as being a field staff, there is no way that I can even remotly concider myself to be a staff, I always feel that there are better guys out there. I can tell you now, I enjoy sitting down and chatting with them guys, picking their brians and trying to learn how to do what I enjoy better.



    Posts: 5

    “That statement make me laugh my A$$ off. You sign up for a fishing/outdoor website and they just make you a pro? Just for sighing up – Come on!”

    There you go again, throwing the rope over the branch and hoisting me up.

    Listen bud, you have ZERO! clues about my qualifications as a hunter and fisherman but run off your mouth like some drunk on a bar stool.

    I have been featured in several publications, raised hunting dogs for more than 22 years and sent them world wide.

    I got the stuff to prove my qualifications..Do You?

    Why am I wasting my time?

    This place has proven nothing more than to be unfriendly and full of a pack of wolves waiting to jump on anybody who ventures from the pack

    The more I explain my reasons, the more I am bashed

    I’m a little more grown up and will not join in and return the bashing(except for Mr Bar Stool)

    I’m done…

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I see you are on at 4:45am….must not be quite done yet…lol!

    Posts: 3682

    Comic books and poodles dont count!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Good luck on your Pro Staff/website venture.

    Thread locked…time to move on to more productive posts.

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