Alfonso to die.

  • gary_wellman
    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    that is exactly my point.

    I guess the only true correction in society is to eliminate the person or lock the indiviual up for the safety of others until the individual dies, meaning also to isolate him from human contact.

    However, my opinion is that what needs to be done is to find a way to “prevent” this from occuring again by someone else.

    Unfortunately, the courts had this guy in their hands previously for acts un-humane to another person. They locked him up, but the courts let him go free. Why? Why did they let a predator to humans go free? My opinion is that this person should have been locked up and isolated on the first offense, because there are mental issues involved with an individual who rapes or murders. I don’t believe there is a cure or a way to correct the brain on these people.

    Something chemically went askew in their brain in order to act out these types of in-humane acts. Or, the person is so demented that the acts committed are enough again to isolate from human contact to protect the better of man-kind.

    Posts: 584

    So what’s your point? Let deal with only this case. He killed an innocent young girl with her whole life before her. For what reason? I tend to believe that all people who kill another human being would have to be a little mentally ill. That’s not an excuse. He was jailed for sex crimes once before. Maybe someone at some time should have either gotten him the help he needs or kept him where he belongs. Jail for life! No parole, no more crimes. Maybe we should hold the person responsible for letting him out accountable! Maybe that Judge should have to explain why he was found fit to be release into society again!

    Posts: 2627

    To the people who say that the death penalty isn’t a deterent and a life sentence is a better punishment I have this to say: for what this man did there is no punishment that is just, he is an animal. My logic is that there has never been a case where a criminal has been put to death and then committed another crime. Give the guy life and 25 years down the road if he got the chance he would kill a guard in a second. You put the person to death to make the world a better place—not to punish them. As long as this man is alive he has the potential to do great harm, only death will cure that problem.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    From what I’ve read the system let him down. Not that I’m on his side, he’s getting what he deserves. But from what I’ve read and heard, he didn’t want to be let go and was afraid to be free. Now shouldn’t that have thrown a red flag at someone to say, “hey, wait a minute….maybe we should look at this a little closer.” He was a multiple offender….the system screwed up and allowed this animal to kill an innocent girl. Like I said, he’s going to get his in the end, but what about the system? When will they get theirs?

    Kalispell, MT
    Posts: 264


    From what I’ve read the system let him down.

    The system?? BS
    There is NO treatment for these “people”!
    There is NO punishment.
    Only sure cure is death. You can wring your hands all you want but your kids are safe now from at least one predetor.

    Posts: 1552

    I agree with Dartman. We definitely need to rethink and rework our system when it comes to sex offenders. I hope the law makers wake up and use this to make some tough new laws.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    The guy did it without a doubt and in the worst way possible for that girl. It sounded like hekilled her right away and did whatever after.

    Legal system is letting us down for letting this guy waste the tax dollars. He should have taken his last breath within 10 minutes of the time the death penalty was given.

    It may sound crude, but there is no reason for this guy to live and waste anyones time or heard earned money.

    Posts: 1493

    I agree with REDNECK 100%. MN NEEDS to instate the death penalty. This state could be a much safer place if we didnt have a demcratic majority. I dont care how “mentally disturbed” he was, or is. That doesnt give him the right to kill, rape, steal, or friggin jaywalk. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions, mentally stable or not. I say WE KILL HIM and let God judge him

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    All I was saying is that if the system would have listen to him when he said he didn’t want to be set free, Dru would be alive today! There is obviously a problem with the system if the guy feels he shouldn’t be set free yet they go ahead and let him out. He was a repeat offender..they needed to take a longer look at this and they didn’t.

    Posts: 1027

    We all have the same inherent sinful nature in us. We are born that way. Why it comes to the surface in some people as being a murderer, others as rapists, some as thiefs I don’t know. 99% of the people go through life having never commiting a serious crime, but we all are sinful and will be held accountable for it in the end unless we ask God to forgive us through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The Bible says ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. What we get for that sinfulness is eternal seperation from God unless we repent of our sins. Salvation is a free gift to us from God. We cannot earn it. All we have to do is ask for it.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013


    To bad the sentence is not carried out the way I have heard it is done in China, After sentencing, walk out back where you are shot in the head then the family receives a bill for the cost of the bullet!
    Not a fan of that country but that is efficient and effective.

    I agree 100%

    Appeals are ridiculous…..get it right the first time, then take care of business in the alley.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I don’t offer my opinions in this kind of controversy, However I’ll offer some information. Do you know how much capital cases cost this country? Just so you know, on average, per case, a capital case will cost roughly 66% more than a case of imprisonment of 40 years. Don’t ever think its cheaper to just eliminate a criminal.

    Heres an old Link Costs

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674


    The system?? BS

    There is NO treatment for these “people”!

    There is NO punishment.

    Only sure cure is death. You can wring your hands all you want but your kids are safe now from at least one predetor.

    No treatment? Absolutely false, I make a living providing treatment to juveniles with sexual perpetration issues, among other things, and our program boasts a success rate far better than the national average. Given the proper environment AND the desire to change SOME, not all of these individuals can be reintegrated as appropriate members of society. Not taking the side of any offender by any means, what they do is wrong and totally unnacceptable, just saying that a blanket statement of that variety is a bit off the mark.

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