License to drive

  • pitz0022
    Posts: 50

    This came up in a conversation earlier this morning between another IDA’er and myself. We were discussing people being certified to drive a boat, and the coast guard certification.I remembered taking a boaters safety course when I was a kid. It taught me the basics of boating, Etiquette, “rules of the Road”, navigation etc. The course is free and you can take it at home. This is a worthwhile investment of your time even if you don’t take the test, and good reading material for days like today.

    Here is a link to the DNR where the booklet can be requested.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Not to mention, if you pass this course, it should lower your insurance rate.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    If you are under the age of 18(I think) then you have to have it to be able to operate anything over a 20hp motor, or someone over 21 must be within reach of the controls.

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