91 mariner pee problem

  • harlandd
    Posts: 106

    I have a 91 150 mariner replaced ompeller per instructions on IDA SITE i still have to wait over 1 minute for it to pee. Is there supposed to be any kind of gasket going from the big plastic tub coming from the pump other than the one that goes over the shaft? confused took it apart 3 times and still baffled. Any help?

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Sounds like a thermostat problem. The bigger newer (after 1980) motors have thermostats. Although I am not certain where its at on your motor.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    It could be just the thermostat causing the delay. How stong is the stream?
    I am sure that Jon Jordan will answer this one as soon as he can.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Off topic….

    But this time of year those beatles (lady bugs or whatever they are called) like to climb in warm places.

    Check for water each time out!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Most likely the thermostat. Probably not a problem. If it pees, you have it hooked up right. Takes longer to pee when you are using muffs and a hose. Drop it in the water, run it and keep and eye on it. Should be ok.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Rumor has it, if you and big d wouldn’t of had so many beers, while doing this, you wouldn’t have this pee problem…

    big g

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 301


    Rumor has it, if you and big d wouldn’t of had so many beers, while doing this, you wouldn’t have this pee problem…

    big g

    I think Big D has that effect on a lot of people!!!!


    Posts: 106

    Does the thermostat work the same on a boat as on a vehicle? Is ther any thing I need to look for?


    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    You might also check out the ‘pee hole’ on the back of the engine. My 50 Merc wasn’t displaying any water stream at all, and it just turned out to be that thing being plugged up. I took that plastic piece out (that’s actually kinda molded into the motor casing) and replaced it with spliced vacuum tubing, and now that thing shoots out like you wouldn’t believe. So you might check that out first.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I have a buddy with a 91 mariner 25 hp it takes a while to pee but it runs like a champ. great motor

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