This if freaking unbelievable….they are here ILLEGALLY!!!!!
This pid tihs needs to go!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Gov Doyle wants to give illegals tuition break
This if freaking unbelievable….they are here ILLEGALLY!!!!!
This pid tihs needs to go!
“Well since uve showed up here illegally and havent been deported yet, I guess u deserve a prize!!!” Is that what i just heard??? GIMME A BREAK
Before we get all of our undies in a bunch, take a look at the publication date:
Friday, March 11, 2005.
Two and a half years ago. Honestly! Let’s not get all worked up about something that NEVER HAPPENED.
Looks to me like this Bethany Ordaz is a trouble maker doing a lot of the damage. She tried in Missouri with no success so has moved to the University of Wisconsin. Seems her group wants to run the state government. Just reading between the lines. As for Doyle, HE HAS TO GO!
I wouldn’t worry about it, if it happens it will be in Minnesota first….”just ask and it shall be granted” should be our new state motto.
If I recall right they did pass a bill for the UW system that out of staters will pay less for tuition than resident people. I will have to do a little searching and find out for sure what happened with this. Either way
Just can’t see Doyle being re-elected…(Doyle )…
Something like that is so so wrong today with us living our lives wondering where terrorists will attack next but Hey lets give them a break on schooling so they can create smarter ways to attack us…
That is not the only dum thing Doyle is trying to do. He is trying to set up a bill that farmers can`t sell there farm for development.
Doyle took one billion dollars out of the transportation budget to fund other things, instead of roads where it is suppose to be spent
Fiengold and Kohl also support illegal aliens should recieve Social Security bennies AND that English sould not be the official language of the U.S. (Where am I )
Let’s not forget what else Doyle did during his last term. Backed by a majority of Wisconsin voters and after the Wisconsin legislature passed the concealed carry bill, he turned his back you and VETOED the bill.
Put that in you pipe and smoke it.
Let’s not forget what else Doyle did during his last term. Backed by a majority of Wisconsin voters and after the Wisconsin legislature passed the concealed carry bill, he turned his back you and VETOED the bill.
Put that in you pipe and smoke it.
Makes me so , I see Green!
Ummmm, hate to wreck your day fellas but I believe that is currently law, as well as NO interest loans for Illegal aliens in the state of WI. They have some nice homes around me, and I rent a crappy 1 bedroom apt.
Not 100% sure about this, but I listen to 620 WTMJ everyday and they were talking about this crap like it was fact, and currently going on. Hopefully someone can prove me wrong.
If I recall right they did pass a bill for the UW system that out of staters will pay less for tuition than resident people. I will have to do a little searching and find out for sure what happened with this. Either way
Out of staters pay substantially more for tuition than Wisc. residents (3-4x more). Out of staters (like me) do not get tuition breaks, unless you’re from a state that offers reciprocity, like Minnesota.
Let’s not forget what else Doyle did during his last term. Backed by a majority of Wisconsin voters and after the Wisconsin legislature passed the concealed carry bill, he turned his back you and VETOED the bill.
Put that in you pipe and smoke it.
Nope, I don’t smoke it will leave a bad taste
And no one even mentioned his sell out on Indian Gaming which is a sore point on my end.
Nonetheless, Jim Doyle will be elected thanks mainly to the voters in Madison and Milwaukee.
If we all get out and spread the word and encourage others to vote maybe we can oust this LOSER!
Just looked on UWEC website and the fees and tuition almost the same for WI residents and MN residents. The only difference in any fees is the graduation fee. It is less than $400 diffenerence. ($400 more for MN) Which is less than 10% more. I also looked on the University of Minnesota’s Website and they have fees that are almost double when comparing residents to non-residents.
MY .02
I went to a mn school and the rates for Wi residents is almost the same with reciprocity (spell check)
I think that it is important to look at this article closer, it is an older story which was never acted on. I personally feel there are some important things to think about in this article as well. I feel it needs to be understood exactly who is defined in this article as an illegal alien. These are children of parents whom came here and are not legal citizens. Either they are school aged now or were born in the United States. I personally do not feel that these children should have to suffer for something that is not their control. This article also talks about how these supposed illegal aliens take spots away from other students. That is kind of a pile of bunk since in order to gain acceptance you have to qualify via good grades and GPA in high school, or you must qualify via GPA at college level. My question is this – are these kids to pay tuition as a resident of the country they are from? Is that what is expected?
Lastly, don’t construe my message here as support or non-support for Gov. Doyle.
Lou, they are illegal. or as the Dems like to call them “undocumented”. As far as needing good grades, I doubt that due to the numerous programs for minorities that already exist. In my opinion, just because you were born here does not make you a citizen. There are thousands of illegals in TX, NM, AZ, and CA that come across JUST to give birth in a US hospital so the child is a citizen. Its wrong and an injustice to the american tax payers.
If we don’t start taking our country back soon we won’t be able too. Lets start by securing our borders and kicking out the illegals.
If you wanna be here, great, I am all for it, unless your 100% american indian your an immigrant or decendant of one as I am, but my ancestors did it legally.
In my opinion, just because you were born here does not make you a citizen.
If that is the case – then I am not a citizen and neither are you!
I could write much more but I am afraid that it might be construed as a personal attack, so I will leave it as I said above.
If we all get out and spread the word and encourage others to vote maybe we can oust this LOSER!
Yeah let’s vote for Mark Green…Yeah he’s good for the people. You really need to get better stories than one in an internet ad this old that. Plus this was in the budget package…Doyle had nothing to do with what was put in front of him when it came to signing.
On another note, do I apporve of something like this NO! I think the people that brought this up in Congress should be the ones to go like the guy mentioned here. Only my opinion though…and what does that matter right I’m not a citizen either cause I was only born here…so I guess I don’t even have a right to give the opinion.
Go ahead lou, I got thick skin. I meant that if an illegal alien gives birth to a child in this country AFTER GAINING ACCESS ILLEGALLY. That that particular child should not be considered a citizen. He/She was born here ILLEGALLY. My ancestors came here LAGALLY, hence the big difference.
Krisko, is it safe to assume you support Doyle? ou want relavant issues, Ok, here you go.
He did support this issue of giving resident tuition to illegals because he supported and signed the bill without using his line item power to delete it. Why, because his left wing Dem buddies put it there. The same dum bass who used that same line item veto power to basically rewrite the rest of the budget by MOVING funds not just lining them out.
Lets see, the guy who veto’d my right as a law abiding citizen to cary a firearm. A bill the public wanted passed, not once but twice! I know your view on it and spare me, you won’t need to worry about me shooting you, its the guys who cary illegally you should worry about. But if my or my families life is in danger from some meth head I can count on you to be right there when I need you? I doubt it, you’ll be there to investigate the crime and write the report. I’d like to be able to defend myself and my family BEFORE your services are needed.
The same guy who veto’d a bill THREE Times for voter id’s that was/is OVERWHELMINGLY supported by the people of this state due to rampant voter fraud in the Milwuakee area. A bill that not only would require ID’s, but had a provision to provide them to everyone who didn’t have one or could not afford one!
Yeah, he’s a great guy, gimme a break, Peg Lautenshlager (sp?) could do a better job with 3-4 drinks in her.
So a child born in the United States is considered an illegal alien? To what country then is he a legal alien? I realize you have thick skin, but don’t let it be so thick that you refuse to let anything but predjudicial thinking rule your world. These kids go to public schools with our children, learn english and history and the ways of the American people just like everyone else. They should be afforded the right to continue an education just like our sons or daughters. Shortly before 9/11 congress was to meet and vote on the amnesty law which would have given citizenship to those already in the country. Unfortunately fear and terrorism set that back. I thought then and still feel this way now that it is the right thing to do. Then control the borders better. Those who are productive and non criminalistic should be allowed to persue citizenship. Cost of education for anyone should not be so high that it cant be afforded. Regardless of race, age, size or handicaps. This isnt a democratic or republican issue…its a humanitarian issue.
Yes Lou, if they were born here because the mother got here Illegally, then I think they too should be illegal. There are correct ways to enter our country and become a citizen. Thousands, more likely, millions have done it. In fact your and my ancestors did it.
There is a right way and a wrong way. We should not have to lower our standards or ignore our principles because some choose not to do it the right way. Fact is they have all broken the law, they should be rounded up and deported and handed a pamphlet that explains the legal way to enter our country. NONE of them should recieve any social bennefits like welfare, food stamps, Social security etc….If your here illegally that makes you a criminal, not a case for humanitarian aid. We (the US) give billions each year for humanitarian aid.
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