I take a few bowhunters out each year and it gives me a chance to do quite a bit of scouting. There was a good crop of acorns on the ridges this year and I set up a few stands on the ridges or saddles. We can still bait 2 gallons a day here and most guys highly exceed that, but I found long ago that most mature bucks avoid these stand sites during daylight. I try to find travel routes from the bedding areas and thickets to the oaks. The rut was in full swing on Nov. 15th when I decided to hang my stand on the edge of a thick brushy draw connecting the oak ridges with a large cedar swamp. I passed up a spike and a nice 6pt early, then the 9 pt came by a few minutes after two bigger does passed by. I was lucky to find a little opening in the thick brush and put a 165 gr .308 slug through his shoulders at about 70 yds. He weighed 171# field dressed and had a 16 3/4″ inside spread. Actually he is my best firearm buck. I bowhunt a lot more and have harvested some nice bucks with the bow. I ate some tenderloins yesterday and they were superb! Good Hunting