Wisconsin Deer Hunters

  • Anonymous

    Well the big season starts tomorrow and for all those heading out please be carefull out there. Where a safety strap if your hunting from a stand and please be sure of your target and whats beyond before you squeeze off that shot. Steve


    So far so good! I just need to get something to shoot AT besides puppy dogs (bambi’s) and baldies!! I’ve got a brute pegged but I haven’t figured out how to lure him back out of that swamp!


    Yep me to. Actually I got a buck that has been getting the best of me three different times now. I know where he is bedding down at or at least the route to and from it. I’ve just got to reset a stand early this afternoon while he is sleeping and hope he maintains his route. Not a monster, but he is sure sneaky. Maybe a photo if all goes as I plan later today. Well it’s 6:15 and time to get in the tree. See ya


    Well I’m just 5 minutes over the border in Michigan and got this dandy opening day 9 pt. I’ll try for an attachment but for some reason I have poor luck here on FTL. No problems over on FTR.


    WAY TO GO!!! Any story type details to give us?


    I take a few bowhunters out each year and it gives me a chance to do quite a bit of scouting. There was a good crop of acorns on the ridges this year and I set up a few stands on the ridges or saddles. We can still bait 2 gallons a day here and most guys highly exceed that, but I found long ago that most mature bucks avoid these stand sites during daylight. I try to find travel routes from the bedding areas and thickets to the oaks. The rut was in full swing on Nov. 15th when I decided to hang my stand on the edge of a thick brushy draw connecting the oak ridges with a large cedar swamp. I passed up a spike and a nice 6pt early, then the 9 pt came by a few minutes after two bigger does passed by. I was lucky to find a little opening in the thick brush and put a 165 gr .308 slug through his shoulders at about 70 yds. He weighed 171# field dressed and had a 16 3/4″ inside spread. Actually he is my best firearm buck. I bowhunt a lot more and have harvested some nice bucks with the bow. I ate some tenderloins yesterday and they were superb! Good Hunting


    Great story Tom. Mine wasn’t nearly as big, but you got to love the thrill of the hunt. This one I shot was the third buck I saw opening morning. It was a small 8 pointer, but a “legal” buck according to camp rules. I saw 4 more bucks that day and 3 on Sunday. All of ours were rutting hard and chasing does.


    I wish I had a photo. Those critters are still hiding. I saw two tails today and that was it. Maybe there will be more hunters out and about tomorrow to get them moving. Great stories and photo’s guys. I’ve only seen 1 buck so far and didn’t have a good shot so I let him walk twice now. I guess that’s kinda like catch and release.LOL Steve


    Thanks Mike! I wish I had you around to take some better pictures Steve. Here is a close up of the rack, we are still recovering from from winterkills a few years ago and the antler mass is still missing from 3 1/2 yr olds like mine in this area


    Mike, what area do you hunt in? That sounds like some great action!


    We’ve got a largechunk of private land just south of Emily, Mn that 10 of us hunt. In 16 years of hunting we have never shot a doe. We normally see lots of deer and many bucks. This year we had 7 bucks down the first weekend including 4 8-pointers. Last year we had 9 bucks the first weekend.

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