39″ 25 lb. King Salmon

  • Anonymous

    Here is a picture of Sean Kelly (an good friend of mine from PdC who now lives in Battle Creek Mi.) holding his trophy. Here are his own words.

    I started fishing Salmon on Lake Michigan this weekend. Took me about a
    month to get the rods/reels… set up on my 14 foot Lund (the one we fished
    that night at the dam). Fished 3 hours yesterday and picked up the King
    Salmon in the attached. About half of them have entered the rivers for
    spawning and the other half are staged at the river mouths that enter Lake
    Michigan. This one was 39″ and weighed 25lbs. Not bad for my 1st one eh?

    I was by myself with 3 rods out so you can imagine the kayos trying to keep
    the boat on a straight troll, stay out of my other 2 lines and get her
    netted. Took 10 -15 minutes in all. She peeled 150-200 feet of line like a
    rocket. Then the slow back and forth battle until she was finally tired out.
    Was awesome.

    Well done Sean , keep the pics coming.


    Thanks for passing this along ecnook! I have fond memories of battling what we call “silver screamers” here in Green Bay waters. Its ironic now that I have a bigger boat and better equipment I don’t time away from fall walleye fishing to go after some of these terrific gamefish of the great lakes. Maybe I will and post a pic or two.


    YES! Thanks for passing this on! I’d like to see more info on these guys as I’m sure my day is coming to lay the cash down and go “a chasin” these highly acclaimed fighters! Not much of a salmon eater but I’d love to tangle with a fish or two!

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