Minnesota Bass Fishing *DELETED*

  • Anonymous

    Post deleted by admin


    Post deleted by admin


    Hey Mn Bass Fisherman, How about posting some of “your” fishing outings here on the message board. Would enjoy hearing how you and your friends do on your favorite lake. Thanks, Bill

    Austin, Mn.
    Posts: 32

    Hello fellow fisher friends. Finally figured out how to get in, and chat with yall. My wife tells me she can see scales forming daily, so I`ll try to slip some info in when I can. It`s nice to see some people that fish bass in so. Mn. lakes also. The last month has been nasty, as far as typical fall patterns go. I`m finding most, or on some lakes, all of the fish shallow. Have you guys found the same thing? Some lakes have nice green weeds yet, Which is mnice to see. And others, dead pond weed scum, junk, stuff, muck! Every time I get out I`ll try hasf a day looking for the mother load on that coontail patch out in 10ft or so. There not there, are they? Iv`e marked fish in 15ft of water with some small weeds and tried to catch them and nothing. Two weeks ago on Francis I threw some crawlers at them. Bang bullhead, about a 1.5er and another. All done with the worms! Anybody else seeing this? Are the fish still mostly shallow? How about it. Thanks for having me and I hope this works.


    Glad to have you here talking, flipenrip. I’m sure that you’ll have a lot of information to share. This place has been a great one for information and can only get better. Post a lot! We’re all needing info, especially this year. And bass fishing? Huh. Even the walleye guys tend to enjoy the occasional fight of one or two nice ones.

    Maybe we’ll see you on the water. I look forward to it.

    Seems like it’s been a tough year all around. I’ve seen the same thing on Spring Lake (next to Prior) and can’t quite figure out what the fish are eating. Early in June, we hit that mother load and scored a couple of really nice bass (one 3 pounder) in about ten feet. They were hungry and wanted anything that we could toss at them.

    Lately, they just seem to be waiting. Maybe they’re getting used to the smorgasboard and are waiting for French Cuisine or something. How about a veal flavored lure? Anyone got any ideas?



    Hello, sorry to take so long to reply. Last few times all the fish have been on docks or around deep structure. But, on Sunday we went canoe fishing on a small lake and caught some on flats with spinnerbaits

    Austin, Mn.
    Posts: 32

    I was out last weekend and found the quality fish up shallow on the wood. Couldn`t buy a fish out deep. One boat caught some nice fish on a little rock bar out in 12ft or so. We were flippin trees up in less than 3ft. The fish didn`t turn on till ten or so, the water was cccccold in the morning. Keep jerken Flip

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