I had the honor of taking my father fishing last night on the Mississippi River, pool 9. My father is an avid angler with bait fishing, worms, minnows, grubs, etc. He has never wanted to use artificial lures or plastics. Yesterday, he purchased the infamous Chatterbait. He decided he would give them a chance. He caught his first fish ever on an artificial lure…The Chatterbait. He landed a huge sheephead… HA! He has never fished with artificial before, even though he has river fished for 50+ years. The reaction on his face when it hit was priceless. He talked about it for the next couple hours and is still talking about it this morning. Next he tied on a buzzbait and tried them out in a lilly pad field. He had several largemouth strikes, but had trouble setting the hook. Still ended up catching a few nice ones. He was like a little kid in a candy store. All in all it was my favorite day of fishing this year. By the end of the night, I noticed he started opening my tackle compartments and putting a couple spinnersbaits, and buzzbaits in his tackle box…
September 1, 2006 at 3:49 pm