Acorn in Chevy Motor

  • cav90
    Chisago City, MN
    Posts: 79

    I am in the process of doing the head gaskets on my 97 blazer and after putting my heads back on I noticed an acorn sitting inside the top half of my motor. In my attempts to remove it the acorn found it’s way into the motor. I am wondering if I should now pull the motor out, or just leave the acorn in place and hope the motor will crush it up and the oil filter take out the pieces. Any advice on this would be apppreicated. Thanks,

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Boy, I am no expert, but valves and lifters sure seem like they would not take kindly to that kind of debris…
    But I would ask Big G on the site here. He is the Service MGR at McKays in St. Cloud.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Hate to burst the bubble……..But tear it apart.

    DO NOT fire that engine with that acorn in the motor. You are about 99% guaranteed to bend a valve, if the acorn get caught between the valve and the seat. IF by chance the acorn doesn’t get that far through, it is going to sit on top of the valve, absorbing fuel and getting hot. It may indeed just create a heat sink, where it gets so hot, that it will explode, thus spreading out debris into the cylinder. If it does get inbetween the valve and the seat, it might not bend much, but enough where the valve will not seal on the seat, causing it to “burn”.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    hold on.

    Are you saying that it is in the motor, as in not in the intake/exhaust ports? Did it fall “into” the open motor, through one of the return ports for the oil?

    If that is the case, I would recommend still pulling the acorn out of there.

    I guess I would try and do a test, first to see if an acorn will float in oil.

    If it floats, you may be able to flush it down into the oil pan. If you “think” you can do this, pull the oil pan and remove it.

    You do not want this in your oil pan. It will eventually break down and get into your oil passages and it is not something you want.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I know it sucks but you have no choice but to get the acorn out of your engine. I seriously doubt that something that large will make it down to the oil pan but it may be worth it to pull the pan first just to see. chances are it is lodged in one of the ports somewhere.
    Good luck.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Gotta’ agree with Lenny and Gary, better to be safe than sorry, it’s time to tear that sucker apart.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    As you told us about this I got to thinking that you might be able to shop vac that sucker out of there if you can get a seal.

    Good luck

    becker Minnesota
    Posts: 82

    try to blow it out with air if not tear it down make sure you use new head gaskets

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976


    sucker out of there if you can get a seal.

    Wouldn’t a squirrel be a better helper?
    I’m thinking that getting help from a seal could lead to a moisture problem

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I think you have a 97 and it is a GM product right. I would leave it in there and hope it starts a fire or something…then you can get the insurance check….

    Just kidding…Tear it down and get that thing out. You don’t want to know what will happen and if nothing happens right away you will be tearing it down in the near future…probably when it is 80 below outside.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    sucker out of there if you can get a seal.

    Wouldn’t a squirrel be a better helper?

    Oh Gawd!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    At least you can say your engine has nuts

    I agree with the others. Tear it down and get it out of there. If you saw small metal shavings it would be tore apart, so do the same with something bigger.

    My guess is you didn’t want to go through the hassle of the teardown, but knew you problably should, and needed a little extra push to get it done.

    Good luck, your work is cut out for you now.

    Posts: 1027

    How far into the motor did it fall and where into the motor did it fall? If you leave it in there it could plug an oil passage and you could starve part of the motor from getting any oil. Can you see any of it where you might be able to retrieve it with a piece of wire, or put some heavy grease on the end of a small rod and get the acorn to stick to it and pull it out? I definately would not leave it in there and hope that it would break up, could plug your oil pump!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22914

    like hookem says, you don’t want this thing restricting either oil or coolant, it HAS to come out.

    big g

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    YOU GOTTA BE FRIGGIN NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    sorry, I had to I dont know what came over me

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Now it will be interesting if you get the nut out with all the ideas given here or if you have to tear it down.
    Keep up informed.

    Chisago City, MN
    Posts: 79

    Thanks for all the info and advice on the motor. I took a look at the where the acorn actually fell in this morning and noticed it fell in on the camshaft, so I think that if I pull the camshaft out i should be able to remove the acorn. A few mechanics I spoke with this morning told me to leave the thing in the motor due to the location on where it is. They said that since it is in the camshaft it doesn’t pose a huge danger to the pistons or valves on the motor. I’m going to try and get the thing out anyway tonight. The shopvac and grease on a wire might be the ticket to getting the stupid thing out. If I get it out tonight I’ll be a happy camper. I’ll put a post up tommorrow and let everyone what happened to my chevy motor that finally has nuts.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18981

    That soft little nothing will pass no problem. Just my .02 worth and that of a friend.

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574
    #427358 will pass as easily as a kidney stone !

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22914

    It should come out the bottom, with a rod…..

    big g

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    What ever happened on this ? How come you didn’t try the vacuum idea ? shop vac with some reducers & some vacuum lines would create one heck of a suction ?

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