I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
I think anyone who packs crawlers in black dirt should have to pay a fine!
I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
This means… I gotta open the container… get out a crawler… and, it has to get rinced-off… every time! I have to stick my hand in the water and rince off the crawler… lean over the side of the boat…and try to hold on to a crawler in the water…right!
And, I have to be spending additional time rincing-off my hands… again and again… after every bait-up…. cause the crawlers I pinch in half are full of the black dirt!
I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
Geees… this crap is tough to get off my carpet… and my pants… and my shirt… and my hat…. and, I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
This stuff stains! Why don’t they just pack them sob’s in ink or food coloring!
Nuts… I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
Come on… Why would anyone think they could do that to fishermen… this is nuts. I hate crawlers in balck dirt!
Well, … guess I better not finish this second cup of coffee….