As many of you read awhile back I had a fuel pump issue with my new 90 etec. I had problems getting it serviced and ended up taking a 2 hour 1-way trip to get my purchasing dealer to repair it. I wrote a letter to BRP stating the issues with the 2 local dealers and I also sent in my gas receipts for the 4 hours of driving. I got a respose quickly, but not as expected. I stated the make model and serial numbers and I also told them the story of what happened to the motor and what I was told by each dealer. In the end they apolgized and that was it. They stated ” all evinrude and johson dealers are not franchised by BRP, but are independent businessmen. They are responsible for their business practices and the issues regarding your repair are between you and your dealer.” Also “it is stated in your Operator’s guide that all expenses endured for transporting your vessel to and from authorized dealer for repair are to be borne by the owner.” Needless to say I have been very nice about all this with BRP and the local dealers. I have no gas reimbursement and no piece of mind. The motor is fixed. I hope it stays that way. I stated in my letter I have been boating since I was 5 and I’m only 26. I can’t beleive that BRP wouldn’t at least give me a coupon or a gift cert, or at least call the 2 local dealers that kept blowing me off because I didn’t buy from them!!! Needless to say I won’t buy another new Evinrude again, or a Skidoo or a Seadoo, or any thing they make unless I have too! This was the first time I’ve ever had any service done to one of my boats. I guess that extended warranty was a waste. For what it cost I probably could have bought the tool to diagnose codes myself. I will call and write back to BRP with a little different tone this round.

Posts: 82
August 25, 2006 at 3:02 am