Spread it on thick… MMMMMM good.

  • Anonymous

    This is from my good friends Shirley and Jim Rossel from Hope, MN

    Shirley is the best cook I’ve ever met… she makes this stuff for us on a regular basis!

    “Shirley Good”
    Blueberry Rhubarb Jam

    5 cups frozen rhubarb (if fresh add 1 cup of water)

    5 cups sugar

    2-3oz.packs of blueberry “Jello”

    1lb /5oz. container blueberry “Wildneress Pie Filling”

    (or other brandS would do)

    Cut rhubarb into ½ inch pieces

    Boil rhubarb till soft (till you can cut with a fork)

    Slowly stir in 5 cups of sugar

    Bring back to boil

    Stir till sugar is well dissolved

    Stir in fruit and low boil and stir for 8 minutes

    Stir in “Jello” and stir till well mixed

    Pour into small containers, let cool and store in refrigerator

    You may substitute strawberry pie filling and strawberry “Jello” or cherry pie filling with cherry “Jello”

    or any other combination…etc.

    This is real good stuff! The blueberry is my favorite but apricot is great too. Your kids and friends will love this jam on bread, ice cream, and pancakes .


    My wife made the same recipe this summer with Strawberry pie filling and jello. It was excellent.


    Is this like a Minnesota jello hot dish? I’ll have to try it. As a non-native to this state, I have learned that many hot dishes are fabulous. I’m still learning.

    My own tastes tend towards…. “whatever is in the fridge goes into the pan”. I have therefore been the proud inventor of many new and exciting, restaurant quality meals, like Dorito/hamburger/banana surprise. One day, I’ll open a famous cafe.


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