New EFN media Pro-Staff addition

  • Anonymous

    I welcome Dave Koonce, to be the first EFN Media Field-Staff associate.
    Welcome to the team Dave!

    I liked Dave Koonce’s photo work done at this years Get-Togeather and want to see lots more of it on our sites.
    It occured to me that EFN needs him (and about five more like him on staff) to “cover” these events. I am excited that Dave has accepted the position.

    I am interested in adding five other people on to EFN Media Pro-Staff to do “camera work”. These non-paid positions will NOT be filled by guides, tournament pros. or fishing “professionals”. These types are buisy with other duitys… and not at all our EFN functions. I want only those persons that are willing to spend time and efforts to attend and “document” EFN sponsored and related events.

    This EFN Media Pro-Staff will be the “eyes and ears” of EFN’s future… and provide photos and mpegs to the sites on a regular basis.

    The expense to opperate in this position, would need come from your own pocket… such as equipment and travel expenses…. and some expenses may be met by EFN. Those expenses would be decided upon and discussed with you, by EFN management, prior to your being asked to attend or “cover” an event.

    What would be a benifit to you, would be the same as is to our other EFN Pro-Staff. These benifits include a free personal ad banner under your posts and reports, recognition as being on EFN Pro-Staff with full benifits as to group sponsor discounts on products (these have included a huge discount on St Croix Rods, Crestliner Boats, Garmin, Froggtoggs, Shorelandr, and many other products that EFN is now and will be promoting in the future) and some free products provided by EFN sponsors. Certainly, you will be spending much time in the boat with other EFN Pro-Staff.

    Would you be interrested? You will need a good digital cemera or digital cam/corder and the ability to email and post photos to be places here on our sites. It would start with a welcome on to EFN Field -Staff. That will be followed soon by a promotion to EFN Pro-Staff. That promotion would come by your showing a willingness to communicate and your agreement to promote EFN in all you do.

    Please contact me in a PM if you are interested (or by phone at 507.202.0312) if you have questions.
    Dave Hoggard
    EFN Pro-Staff Director


    I am very pleased to welcome Steve Green (leinieman) on to the EFN Media Field-Staff. Steve has recently done a great job in promotions and has tons of enthusisam. Welcome Steve Green. I am glad to have you join our EFN team.


    Welcome aboard Dave and Steve. Your on a great team with a great bunch of guys. Bill


    Welcome aboard guys. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Even though we do try to have our cameras with at all times in the boat its difficult to take many photos, especially good ones. It takes practice and is alot of extra work that should have more emphasis put on it than i’ve been giving it. Look forward to working with you guys.


    I’ll be up to Mille Lacs in Oct. with James to fish the full moon. Maybe we can meet up…I will have my camera for some outstanding walleye pics……Thanks for the kind words..



    Thanks for the welcome guys. I’ll be out and about getting some practice time
    in with the camera. This is gonna be a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to it. Hey
    this may even help for gathering more and larger prizes and sponsers!! Anyway thanks
    everyone. Steve


    Hey Dave and Steve, welcome to the Prostaff. I look forward to working with you both.
    ecnook, I’ll look for ya in the moon light! get your rest now as James does the all nighter……….

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