I agree on Gentry–wait until more facts are un-covered before hammering the guy…
I haven’t even heard of this anti-hunting group before–they just keep coming out of the woodwork. They all show the same absence of logic, ignorance about the way the world actually works, and the total reliance on emotion, though.
I am not a big fan of private pay-to-hunt ranches and game farms, but where they are legal they should not be confused with what Gentry is accused of doing. If a private property owner wants to fence in his land, gets the necessary permits, and pays to maintain a private game herd he has the right to do so, even though I don’t think shooting a game animal inside a fenced enclosure sounds like much fun.
In some game ranches down south, the deer are conditioned to come to the sound of an automatic feeder going off at the same times every day, and of course that is where the stands are located. I would just as soon spend my money on a side of beef as hunt that way. It would be simpler, every bit as much fun, and about as challenging. But, if people want to pay to hunt half-tame deer in compliance with the law, it’s their money, not mine.