My Little guys first trout

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Took my almost 4 yo son on a canoe trip to fish trout down the Brule river today. He caught his first trout all by himself. It wasn’t big enough to keep (Rainbows gotta be 26″) but he was happy and I was a proud Pop.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Here is another pic of it. He couldn’t hold it, So I did for him.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Way to go! Nice looking fish you caught there. Won’t be long and you will be outfishing your Dad.
    Thanks, Bill

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Congrats there Fish – that is something to be proud of – and very cute pics of your son as well!!!

    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    Awesome “KODAK MOMENT”

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 161

    congrads it’s a great feeling for him and for Dad

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Thats a great pic Fish. Hold onto that one

    Posts: 814

    congrats to you and him.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    I gotta say, “He looks way more scared after catching that trout in that first picture than he did after catching his first bass last year”!

    You got yourself a BASS guy!

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024


    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    You both did good Fish
    Those pics are certianly ones for the scrapbook


    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    Congrats Fish and son! Great photos.

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