Fishy, by no means am I offended by what you wrote, however I’m open to a good discussion on this. I’ve owned many dogs, as my previous post stated, as well as my father (which means I grew up with dogs, good dogs!) Lastly my grandfather raised champion English Shepards which were known nation wide back in the 30s and 40s for assisting in cattle herding and control.
Who knows this dogs bloodline? This dog may indeed be inbread, which is very common today with pure breeds. Disagree?
I’ll give you 2 scenarios of my experience.
1) I got a rotweiler pup. Long story short, the pup was 5 months old. The pup was in our kitchen and my wife gave my daughter a sandwhich. The pup tried to eat the sandwhich out of my daughters hand, when my daughter pulled the sandwhich away from the jumping dog, the dog got mad and bit my daughter on the knee, dragging her down to the ground. I shot that dog with buckshot within 10 minutes of that incident. I still shake today, as I write this as I can still picture the 4 puncture wounds on my daughters knee, from that PUPPY’S teeth.
2) I had a neighbors dog, that would not stay out of my horse barn, harrassing my horses. Long story short, the dog again (after several, several times of being in my yard and calling the neighbors to get their dog out of my yard) was in my yard, this time my wife and 6 year old daughter tried to chase the dog off the property, the dog nipped at my daughter (I THANK GOD TODAY THAT THE DOG DIDN’T GET ANY FLESH). I too, pumped that dog full of buckshot as soon as I got home from work.
I will not accept any dog that has a “bad attitude” near my children or any other children. It is irresponsible as a parent.
It has nothing to do with the breed. Some dogs are bad dogs and cannot be trusted. This dog may never, ever, ever turn on its master, or the children.
However, what would your response be to the mother and father of that daughter, IF this dog caught that girl and ripped apart her face? What would your response be to the little girl, who has to go through life with a disfigured face, because somebody had too heavy of a heart to destroy a “bad dog”.
As for me, I had a yellow lab for 13 years (from the age of 9 till I turned 22). I could litteraly trust my life in that dogs hands, and a time did come where that dog protected me from serious harm and put his life in front of mine. It was an incredible sight that was witnessed by about 50 people. The dog litteraly saved me.