To a good home or help?

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  • TazTyke
    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Here’s the deal. I have a 3.5 year old Male Brittany Spaniel. He is Orange and White and has been Nuetered. The dog has shown some agression that I didn’t like. I am at the point that I am looking to give him away or some feedback as to what to do with him.

    He has always shown aggresion towards other dogs. An Alpha male thing, thats why he is nuetered. Most recently though he had shown agression towards one of the neighborhood kids. Now I don’t know if at some point this kid did something to him but he sure was pissed. Luckily I was close by and heard what was going on and prevented it from going any further.

    What I can’t have is it happening again since I have a 2 year old and a new born. So do I continue to keep him and work with him to prevent it from happening again, while all along having this incident in the back of my mind?
    Do I take him to the Humane Society to see if they want him?
    Or do I just have him put down?

    He has never been much for a hunting dog with, a little more work he may do good and with this aggresion has not been much of a family dog for us. If anyone has any suggestions or knows of someone that would like to take him in please let me know.

    Posts: 973

    Find a good trainer to deal with the dog’s aggression, but please don’t put him down.

    Unfortunately you didn’t provide enough info for anyone to ascertain what is causing the dog’s aggression. For example, if the dog is always caged or gets little attention from humans he will tend to be aggressive. If you walk the dog, take the dog fishing and/or hunting, and take the time to play with and train the animal I am a bit puzzled. Ironically, active dogs, regardless of breed, tend to be more mellow when dealing with others.

    If you haven’t already check out the various Internet Boards addressing Brittany Spaniels. Just knowing more about the dog’s characteristics might be helpful.

    There are two Brittany Spaniels in our neighborhood, and although a bit hyper, they tend to get along. I do believe Brittany’s, like German Shepherds require a great deal of attention.

    Good luck

    Posts: 973

    Hope thishelps a bit:
    The Brittany as pet

    It is a myth that a gun dog must be kept in a kennel to maintain his hunting instinct. Many gun dogs, including the Brittany, are happiest curled up by the master’s chair or playing ball in the yard with the children. Their history is one of close-working partnership with man, a partnership that reaches its peak on the hunt but is equally valuable in the family.

    The Brittany is a gentle, hardy and even-tempered breed_ a perfect pet for an active family. Like the Border Collie or Australian Shepherd, the Brittany that is denied exercise and purpose can become hyperactive and destructive, so he is not suitable for a sedentary owner living in a small apartment.

    Socialization is as important for a mild-mannered puppy as for a domineering one if the pup is to become a well-mannered and well-adjusted adult. The Brittany should be accustomed to noises and people at an early age to prevent timidity around both. A Brittany that is afraid of noises will never make it as a gun dog, of course, and will be a nervous pet, particularly in the city or with boisterous children.

    Obedience training should be gentle and motivational; the Brittany is eager to please humans by their heritage, and their natural attitude is one of cooperation, so harsh corrections and tough methods are counterproductive.

    Like most breeds whose working heritage has been preserved, the Brittany is hardy. Although degenerative joint diseases such as hip dysplasia are potential problems, they are relatively uncommon in working lines in the breed. There is some incidence of inherited glaucoma and spinal paralysis, but again, these are not common problems.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    You can train them not to do this, don’t give up, seek good help! This is a training issue and not something that can’t be fixed, trust me.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    The dog gets plenty of exercise. He is kenneled outside during the day when everyone is at work. He maybe doesn’t get enough attention since we do have a young child that takes up most of our time. He doesn’t listen to my wife very well. He listens to me very well.

    I will give you a little more about the incident that happened. I was vaccuming out the boat after a day on the water with the family and dog when all of the sudden I hear all of this hollaring by my wife and the dog was going crazy barking and growling. I turned the vaccum off and ran out of the garage and to see the Brittany chasing a 10-12 year old girl down the street about 100 feet from the house heading down the street, teeth showing taring her shirt as well as trying to bit the girl. I wistled and the dog turned and came to me right away. All the time my wife was yelling for the dog to come. Luckily the woarst that happened was the girl was shaking for her life and a torn shirt. Now this has gotten me freaked out since we have a young child around. There was another incident when the nieghbor boy’s ball ended up in our yard and the boy came over the fence to get his ball. I heard some screaming and when I walked out the back door to see what was happening as saw the boy running back to the fence with the Brittany nipping at the heals of the boy. I just blew it off as fun play but then that other thing happened about 2 weeks later so now it has me concerned.

    I have tried a ton of things about behavior like this and worked with some trainers but it just seems to get me no progress. I will try anything else that people suggest.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I would make a decision soon. You will never forgive yourself if this dog bites child. Not only will you feel terrible, you may be liable for many $$$$ for surgery. I personally think dogs like this should be put down, but that’s just my opinion. I have no tolerance for a mean animal and believe they don’t have a place in our society.

    Posts: 973

    Wow, and thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately when someone runs, dogs chase them. I have a German Shepherd and have taught him not to do that solely because of using a pronged chock collar. I intentionally walk Timber by the kids in the neighborhood to make sure he will not be aggressive toward them and they get to know him. However, if someone ran in my yard and then starting running away the dog might well chase the person. Someone once told me the worst thing you can do is run away from a dog.

    Your pup is an Alpha dog, he preceeded the kids which makes the training more difficult. I wish I could help more but there has to be some really good Brittany Spaniel folks around.

    Iy also sounds like you can control the Brittany, which is darn good especially when he responds to you when chasing a kid.

    As a final note if you decide to part with the dog turn the dog over to a Brittany Spaniel rescue group, rather then the humane society. There are plenty in the Midwest.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    You don’t want to hear what I have to say.

    But you not only owe it to yourself, but you owe it to the safety of your children to put the dog down.

    There is no other option.

    Are you going to give the dog to the humane society, so another family can take it, only to have the dog bite one of their kids?

    If you knew the dog was going to go to the same family structure as yours, would you let the dog go to that home? With the chance of your dog biting, scaring, possibly ripping an eye out of a child? A child that could be yours or someone else’s?

    Fact is fact, history is history, knowledge is knowledge.
    A bad dog is a bad dog. A bad dog cannot be trusted.

    Some may carry a heavier heart than me, but I will NEVER risk my child’s safety over my own selfishness, to have a dog, IF I know that dog may turn on my child.

    I’ve been around enough dogs, as well as my father, as well as my grandfather raising English Shepards for cattle herding. A bad dog is a bad dog.

    Your only other choice is to keep the dog confined, away from children.


    Posts: 973

    Sorry, but this is not a mean animal based on the original posting. Your reply makes me wonder if you ever owned a dog, and if you did who was in charge.

    Finally, rarely do you put down a dog and all dogs chase things, whether rabbits or kids that run away from them. This guy’s dog would make a great pet for many folks.

    Best I say no more, but you may be the only person in the world my German Sherpherd would not like. Check the following out for another mean dog.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Actually the kid never entered our yard. It was walking by on the sidewalk and from what my wife said the dog didn’t even walk up to the girl and then the girl started to run. He was barking and growling from the second he left the stoop towards this girl and as the dog approached the girl became frightened and then ran. Now I don’t know if this girl had done something to the Brittany in the past that would have caused this but we will never know. This aggression has never been shown towards my daughter or her cousins.

    I did talk to Terry from the Brittany Rescue that is in charge of this area and she basically told me that they would not talk the dog in for adoption unless it was cured of whatever caused this to happen. She is sending me a tape that deals directly with Brittanys but from what we talked about on the phone it doesn’t sound like there is anything on it that I haven’t already tried. We’ll see when it comes. I know my “old man” has been around the dog and is a beliver that dogs can be fixed, since he watches every episode of the Dog Wisperer when it is on and he is telling me that the dog should go. I don’t know if thats “Grandpa” talking as he is concerned for the saftey of his grandchild or if he doesn’t think the dog can be changed.

    Posts: 5130

    Based on the reply of the ordeal in detail, the dog is trouble. I would have to agree with Kooty and Gary and have this dog put down. There is no place for a dog that you cannot trust or one that has chased and nipped at children. You can argue till you are blue in the face, but that dog needs to be destroyed

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Your reply makes me wonder if you ever owned a dog, and if you did who was in charge.

    Fishy, by no means am I offended by what you wrote, however I’m open to a good discussion on this. I’ve owned many dogs, as my previous post stated, as well as my father (which means I grew up with dogs, good dogs!) Lastly my grandfather raised champion English Shepards which were known nation wide back in the 30s and 40s for assisting in cattle herding and control.


    This guy’s dog would make a great pet for many folks.

    Yes, this dog would make a great pet for “folks”…….not people with kids. The dog needs to be confined and away from kids.

    Who knows this dogs bloodline? This dog may indeed be inbread, which is very common today with pure breeds. Disagree?

    I’ll give you 2 scenarios of my experience.
    1) I got a rotweiler pup. Long story short, the pup was 5 months old. The pup was in our kitchen and my wife gave my daughter a sandwhich. The pup tried to eat the sandwhich out of my daughters hand, when my daughter pulled the sandwhich away from the jumping dog, the dog got mad and bit my daughter on the knee, dragging her down to the ground. I shot that dog with buckshot within 10 minutes of that incident. I still shake today, as I write this as I can still picture the 4 puncture wounds on my daughters knee, from that PUPPY’S teeth.

    2) I had a neighbors dog, that would not stay out of my horse barn, harrassing my horses. Long story short, the dog again (after several, several times of being in my yard and calling the neighbors to get their dog out of my yard) was in my yard, this time my wife and 6 year old daughter tried to chase the dog off the property, the dog nipped at my daughter (I THANK GOD TODAY THAT THE DOG DIDN’T GET ANY FLESH). I too, pumped that dog full of buckshot as soon as I got home from work.

    I will not accept any dog that has a “bad attitude” near my children or any other children. It is irresponsible as a parent.

    It has nothing to do with the breed. Some dogs are bad dogs and cannot be trusted. This dog may never, ever, ever turn on its master, or the children.

    However, what would your response be to the mother and father of that daughter, IF this dog caught that girl and ripped apart her face? What would your response be to the little girl, who has to go through life with a disfigured face, because somebody had too heavy of a heart to destroy a “bad dog”.

    As for me, I had a yellow lab for 13 years (from the age of 9 till I turned 22). I could litteraly trust my life in that dogs hands, and a time did come where that dog protected me from serious harm and put his life in front of mine. It was an incredible sight that was witnessed by about 50 people. The dog litteraly saved me.

    I love dogs and think they can be one of the most loyal pets in the world. But there are times when a bad dog comes into the scene. These dogs must me destroyed to protect kids.

    Posts: 973


    we could go around forever on this issue. Ironically, my uncle owned an English Shepherd (great dog), my dauhger a Chow that is aggressive but learning, my ex once brought home a Pit Bull, etc. When we were kids my brother and I got a German Shepherd from a lady in Bethany, MN. that raised them for the Military. For whatever reason the batch Rex was from was in bred so he was only $15.00. Until Timber, my new German bred Shepherd, Rex was the best dog we ever owned.

    We only differ in a few areas. The most important is the kids. If the dog shws any aggression toward the kids I agree with you and would get rid of it, but not necessarily kill it. I just think this guy’s dog could turn out to be fine in another situation.

    Frankly, if she was a female Shepherd I would take her in a minute.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Sorry, but putting the dog down is the most ridiculous thing you could do. The girl incident could have been preventive if you have the dog tied up. And you cant blame him for protecting his yard if someone enters. It sounds like in both incidents the dog was provoked. Training can do wonders on aggression. It would be a different situation if the dog was threatening you or the family.
    You got 3.5 years invested and I’m sure the dog loves you and your family.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    We had a brittany spaniel, we got him as a pup, raised him with our two boys, he was in the house whenever we were home, but spent time in the kennel to get outside time when we were working. When he was 3, and my youngest son was 8, we (I) had him put down. We had gone deer hunting, and left the youngest home with my sister who lived with us at the time. Pal was in the kennel that day as my sister had some down with a cold, and one was enough for her to watch after during the day. When my son went out to feed Pal, the dog squeezed past him and got out into the yard. When he called him, he would run back and swerve, like he was playing tag, this was a familiar game with him, something he always did with any of us. After a couple passes, he turned back and ran right for my son. As he bent down to reach for him, the dog suddenly showed his teeth and growled, jumped up and grabbed his head, his bottom teeth just missed the eyeball, and the top teeth dug in above his eyebrow. He gave a couple shakes, tearing my son’s brow and lid wide open. My son broke free, and a neighbor got the dog tied up while his wife took my son to the hospital. By coincidence, my oldest son and girlfriend had returned home to get some homework they forgot, and came back to the woods to retrieve us and get to the hospital by the time he got out of surgery.
    Whne we got home, I made my husband take the dog to the vet the same night, and wanted him put down right then. The vet of course said not for 10 days, rabies tests and all, but tried to talk me into giving the dog to someone else. I couldn’t imagine putting another parent through this same ordeal. I insisted the dog be put down, and I wanted the remains, just to be sure it was done.
    I did dearly love the dog, but I loved my children more, and whatever caused him to do this to his best buddy, was not going to happen again.

    You have to do what you are comfortable with, but I would not hesitate to remove this dog from my home, by whatever measure insures he will not be around any children.


    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Your right the it wouldn’t have happened if the dog was tied up or confined to the fenced in back yard, but the dog can’t spend it’s whole life on a chain or in a fence. That is why he was out of that area. I think it has been said that dogs do need socialization with others and attention. If that has to happen it can’t always be confined. Trust me this happened a month ago and nothing has happened since but how can I regain the trust in the dog? I have tried many things in the last 5 weeks and my thoughts were that things were better and my faith was building until I went to Game Fair this weekend. I brought the dog with and his aggresion towards the other dogs at the event was bad.

    When he was 6 months old he would chase people on bike that rode by. I should have taken a hint at that time but as I said before I took it as a dog being a dog in it’s natural “chase” mode. We stopped the chasing and got over it.

    I wondered even before my first was born if he would make it in the family because of his aggresion. That is why he has been to school. We always had our concerns and thought that as the dog matured it would calm down.

    The dog is a pure bred. Is he inbred? I don’t think they could register him as AKC if he was.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    The swerving and running towards as if it was a game sounds just like ours. What he does do though (not with me but others) is come from behind quickly and nip at the back of your leg. Never have seen a dog do this before until I owned this one. I wonder if that is a Brittany thing? Way to fast for even other dogs to catch let alone a human.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Let me preface this with the fact I would not own anything but a hunting breed. Not rots, dobies, shepards or bull dogs of any type for me thanks. I am a lab/chessie/beagle type guy. BUT the first time a dog of mine curls a lip at a human he gets disciplined. Second time its a good smack and a strong NO! If it is still aggressive it goes nite nite.
    As for the incident with the neighbor kid, it depends. If the kid has been tormenting the dog. Maybe he deserved it. I had a yellow lab once that was the most gentle dog in the world, all the kids in the neighborhood loved to play with him. That is until one particular kid in the neighborhood would walk by the yard. (fenced in) The dog would go nuts. One day comeing home from work I caught the little bass tard poking the dog with a stick thru the fence and laughing as the dog went nuts trying to bite him and the stick. I told him to quit and git home. Next day I hear the dog going nuts again, look into the yard and see same kid doing the same thing. I just walked outside and opened the gate. Then calmly walked down to his house to retrieve my dog and explain to his mom why the kid is and should now be terrified of the dog. Its actaullly kinda funny to see a little hellion like that run as fast as he can while bawling like a little girl.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I with Kooty, Gary, and Fish. I had a chessie that was a gental giant. I took him in a got him neutered as I was worried about passing on his displaysia. for some reason he turned mean. I have 2 kids under 4 at the time. so the storie goes like this I feed the dog and my oldes daughter goes up to pet the dog while he is eating and he growles so he gets a wack “knock it off” next time the neighbor kid comes walking by his outside kennel and he frieks out. and the straw that broke the camels back was when I was rubbing the nose of my 8 month old chocolate lab in the urine he just left my on the kitchen floor and around the corner come the chessie and BAM the bit me square in the azz,riped my pants and drew blood. So to the gun closet I go grab the 7mm and we head out of town. I put him 20 feet away in the head lights of the truck and you can guess the rest. I will tell you what though it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. my dogs are all family in the house dogs they get plenty of exercize and I love them very much. but you cant have a dog that bites. as some of you know my current lab was aggressive to other dogs never to people (yet) so I thought, and I was torn on what to do. this time I got some cash stuck into the dog too. she ended up getting tagged by the neighbors yellow and so I think having 10 puppies tugging on her for 8 weeks has seemed to cure her. she hasnt shown any aggresion to other dogs in almost 2 years.

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    This is completly unbelievable. You guys shooting your dogs because you couldn’t control them makes me totally sick to my stomach. I dont even know where/how to start, utterly speechless. Either learn how to train your dogs or stop putting your family in those positions to have this happen in the first place and stop getting dogs! Unbelievable.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    This is completly unbelievable. You guys shooting your dogs because you couldn’t control them makes me totally sick to my stomach. I dont even know where/how to start, utterly speechless. Either learn how to train your dogs or stop putting your family in those positions to have this happen in the first place and stop getting dogs! Unbelievable.

    Spoken like any true tree hugger in my opinion. Anyone who puts animals rights above a human simply has his/her priorities mixed way up. It’s just a dog!!!

    If understand the right wing crowd here, it’s my fault the dog is agressive and border line mean?? Please, I’ve had labs and golden retrievers for as long as I can remember. This is the first time since I was 4 that I haven’t owned a dog or lived with a dog, usually two or three. Why, because I have two very young kids and I don’t trust any animal.

    In all the years, we had one mean lab. He was 150lbs, just massive. One night after a little hunting excursion, he jumps out of the pickup and decides to try and take me after mauling my chocolate in the pickup bed. I booted him as hard as I could and he seemed to come to his senses. Two days later he tried taking the old man when he was dumping food into this dish. He got the one way ticket to the big field in the sky that morning.

    I do not see any other option. Mean animals have no place in my world!! Don’t even try and tell me it’s my fault animals are mean. How the heck would I know when we picked out the cutest little lab puppy? He got socialized all the time with kids and other dogs, yet he still turned mean. I’m sure to the PETA crew we are cold, cruel monkeybutts. Yup, I sure am. I will never have to feel guilty about an animal of mine tearying some poor child’s face apart either. OH YA, I’m sure it would somehow be my fault. Come on!!

    Posts: 973

    I feed the dog and my oldes daughter goes up to pet the dog while he is eating and he growles so he gets a wack “knock it off” next time the neighbor kid comes walking by his outside kennel and he frieks out. and the straw that broke the camels back was when I was rubbing the nose of my 8 month old chocolate lab in the urine he just left my on the kitchen floor and around the corner come the chessie and BAM the bit me square in the azz,riped my pants and drew blood. So to the gun closet I go grab the 7mm and we head out of town. I put him 20 feet away in the head lights of the truck and you can guess the rest.





    Posts: 814

    don’t put the dog down just for aggression. My lab used to show aggression towards other people but now he will bark at them till he knows them. If it was a cat or a worthless house dog i would say blow its head off but this is a decent hunting breed of dog. You can cure it. Don’t listen to these people who can’t train their dogs so they put them down or shoot them themselves, that is just a pure lack of spend time and training your dog no excuse what so ever. I have trained 4 labs and one shorthair while working a full time job and farming on the side. So just try to break the dog of it and spend more time with the dog.

    Posts: 159

    If it was my kid the dog bit, there wouldn’t be a question of what to do. It would have already been done.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    For those of you who KNOW me I take great pride in my dogs and have owned many,MANY hunting retrievers and spend countless hours and hours training them, socializing them and very much loving them, ALL have been well trained and have been model citizens both with kids and other dogs except this one. I dont just go blowing the heads off any dog I have a problem with, and for anyone to just assume that shows just what kind of a bone head they are. under the circumstances of this perticular dog he just wouldnt come out of it I tried everything INCLUDING profecional help. Maby some of the right wingers should just realive there is the occasional rogue that is just untrainable. Dont get me wrong he was a great hunting dog BUT COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!! you cant take the chance of the dog mauling some poor kid. I only have one question for FISHY,DEREK,HUCK,AND HONDA if my dog MAULED your kid after I had found out the dog was a problem and couldnt solve the problem. the dog was in my yard tied up and your precious little 4 year old daughter came in to MY yard to pet the little puppy because it was so cute, and he attacked her ripping her arm apart and disfiguring her face for life. Im sure based on your belife that all dogs can be trained you would just walk away with your disfigured daughter and say OH WELL !!! YEAH RIGHT. you would sue my AZZ OFF!!!!
    me I would rather not have the guilt of seeing your one armed daughter trying to learn to ride her bike in the driveway of your new house that used to be mine till you took everything I own for not putting down the dog sooner.
    me I would just put the dog down and go on with my little life in my house and get another dog and start over.
    Those of you who know me would understand.
    The ones who dont know me. OH WELL

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just dont agree with some of them. good luck with your dog TAZ
    Im out

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Might be time to move on here guys. This is understandably a very touchy subject and opinions are obviously divided and strongly held.

    Taz has a descision to make that I’m thankful I don’t have to make myself.

    Posts: 814

    HONDA if my dog MAULED your kid after I had found out the dog was a problem and couldnt solve the problem. the dog was in my yard tied up and your precious little 4 year old daughter came in to MY yard to pet the little puppy because it was so cute, and he attacked her ripping her arm apart and disfiguring her face for life. Im sure based on your belife that all dogs can be trained you would just walk away with your disfigured daughter and say OH WELL !!! YEAH RIGHT. you would sue my AZZ OFF!!!!

    maybe true walleyebasser but i am not going to get into it because i am not going to start a big feud between you and myself i will just keep my comments to myself right now. One thing is i am a die hard hunter and don’t worry i am not a tree hugger or a worthless liberal.

    Posts: 973

    Thanks for the reply. The dog you describe just doesn’t seem mean enough to be put down. But, my kids are grown, I am retired and can spend as much time as I want with my dog and the children’s dogs.

    You didn’t elaborate on the eating/biting incident but that is not uncommon and in most cases it is not that hard to teach a dog to be less agressive. I sm wondering how much you worked with the dog to eliminate the animal’s aggression toward your daughter while the dog was eating.

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