DNR and helmets?

  • Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11752

    I just want to get some opinions here. Let me set the stage with this story:

    An area I fish is frequented by a few COs that patrol on bikes. I have been checked a few times by them. Last night at about 9:00, I was fishing, and one of these COs came barreling down a hill on his bike, wiped out, went flying over his handlebars, got some nice road rash, and smacked his head pretty hard on the pavement. He had two other COs with him that took care of him so I didn’t get to see all of his damage firsthand, but they were nursing him for the remaining half hour I was there and still attending to him when I left.

    Here’s my question. Don’t you think that the DNR would require their employees that ride bikes to at least wear a helmet? I would think that their workers comp insurance would require it at least. When you’re on a bike a lot, especially when you’re riding at night, I would think common sense would dictate some safety gear. Do you think I should write the DNR about this?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I’d guess that he probably is required to wear a helmet and was “out of uniform” at the time of his crash. My guess is he learned his lesson the hard way. I’d leave it alone…..


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11752

    Trust me, he was not out of uniform. The three of them were in uniform and on their way to check us out.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    When I say out of uniform, I mean not wearing his helmet. ie – helmet part of official uniform.

    Posts: 71

    My vote is to write a letter to the editor inthe local paper.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I would leave it alone. If he wasn’t wearing his “uniform”, then he already has a lot of explaining to do to his superiors.

    By the way, when you say he was “barreling”, do you mean he was “hot dogging”????

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11752

    He was whizzing down that hill pretty fast. I eneded up speaking with someone there just to question whether or not they are required to wear helmets, and strangely enough, they are. Guess he learned his lesson the hard way.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I would leave it alone.

    Posts: 1

    Here’s my opinion, It sounds to me like you need something more to worry about in life rather than if the DNR should be wearing helmets!! They’re old enough to take care of themselves. Does anyone worry about whether or not you wear your helmet when you’re out on a bike ride? Probably NOT! Let’s worry about our own business here!!

    Coon Rapids MN
    Posts: 163

    I would imagine he learned his lesson. Leave it alone.

    Posts: 106

    I would say drop it and get a laugh out of it, as long as he didnt get seriosly hurt. I am sure we can all look back and at one time or another didnt obey our job discriptions 100%. I hope he didnt disturb your peaceful evening of fishing.

    Posts: 111


    Let’s worry about our own business here!!

    He was. The CO is on ‘our payroll’. When his worker comp costs go up, who pays for it?

    By the way, welcome to the InDepthangling.com forums.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    there is no law or city orid. that requires anyone to wear a helmet when ridin a bike in the state of mn except on private land (example..lutsen down hill)…im sure many districts have it in their policy but also have in there policy that it may discretion upon officers in a covert/semi covert manor…you ask me everyone worry about themselves and ask if your doing the right thing and dont worry about other people “if” their doing the right thing….just my thoughts..

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