Advice needed after getting scammed by an IDA’er

  • hans1159
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 17

    Back during the first week of July, I answered a post looking for a tranducer which I had. We agreed to swap transducers even up since I had a transom mount and he had a trolling motor mount. During the course of our discussion, I mentioned I was looking for an older cheap 12V bow mount trolling motor. He said he had one he would sell for $50. He called me back and we agreed to split the shipping of $28. That next day, I sent my transducer and a check for $64 priority mail insured. He has had his transducer installed and working since 7/17 which was reported to me in a PM. My check was cashed at the same time. I still don’t have my package. He won’t supply a tracking number. The UPS hub doesn’t have anything on record as being in transit to my address or name. He won’t respond to PM’s. He won’t answer his phone or return a message.

    The way I see it is that I paid him $64 for the opportunity to spend $7 to ship him my $40 transducer. What a deal!! This is utterly pathetic that I can’t trust a fellow outdoorsman to follow through on their word.

    I think my next move is to call his local police department and report his fraud/theft scam.

    Does anyone have any suggestions before I take it to this level? Any ideas/help would be appreciated.

    Posts: 1025

    Still have the address? show up at his door.
    OK maybe not the best idea. Sorry to hear this if its someone with a lot of post maybe calling them out would work. Hope you get it worked out.

    Cottage Grove
    Posts: 122

    Geez that sucks.
    The cops will more than likely tell you it’s
    a civil matter and you’ll have to sue in small claims court.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Very sorry to hear your tale. WE have an unwritten code of friendship and trust here, and too bad someone has tried to take advantage of you. Send him a PM again, and you can click on your PM to have the system send you back “it’s read”. you can let him know your plan of action if he doesn’t follow thru.
    Do transducers have a serial no.?
    the police route may have to happen.
    good luck.

    Posts: 1957

    Call him out. Who is he? I would like to know who he is so I don’t get pooched and I’m sure others would like to know as well??


    Clearwater MN
    Posts: 183

    Definitely call him out, He should be ashamed of himself for being such a scum bag!!!!!

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 17

    I PM’d him with the read reciept thing, told him what action I am going to take on Monday, and I will post his username/name if I don’t hear back by then. This is indeed lousy. Thanks for the ideas so far.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hans… please PM me with the username. Thank you.

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    I would be mad too dont blame you at all, but i would definatley do the read reciept thing before i called him out. never know the guy could possibly have had to leave town for a emergency or something : unlikley but???

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    I agree, I would be upset, but lets give the big guys that run this website a chance to resolve this issue before it gets way out of control.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ll shake the tree and see what falls out. Hopefully we can assist you in obtaining a resolution.

    Just remember guys… innocent until proven guilty.

    Thanks, Hans, for PM’ing me that username. I’m on it.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    The idea for the read receipt is good but will probably not work now if he reads this thread first.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Hopefully James will get an answer…if not someone PLEASE post who it is.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 17

    I finally got a call from his girlfriend who has it in her trunk and said it has been fully her fault. She said she is going to ship it today and get me a tracking number.

    I guess I will cross my fingers again and wait more.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22975

    So, did she have his PC in the trunk too ? Couldn’t PM you back ?

    big g

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    maybe she didn’t have a long enough extension cord to power the tower up. or if she had a laptop, she didn’t get any wireless signal or a not a long enough phone cord.


    Posts: 3249


    Maybe the site needs to look at doing an approval rating similar to what E-bay does. If someone is not at 100%, it is a risk to do business with them.
    I’ve only had a couple of transactions through IDA myself and luckily have not had any problems.
    I hope it doesn’t come to having a rating, its just that
    some people don’t have the same sense of urgency as others. When it comes to money changing hands I think we need to raise that sense of urgency so that both parties are satisfied with the transaction and won’t think twice about buying from a fellow IDA’er again.
    If this was in regards to a Garmin 178 GPS/Sounder transducer currently on Page 6 in the Fishing Equipment classifieds, could you please confirm.
    I hope the your package arrives soon and that it doesn’t take too long to get that bad taste out of your mouth.

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 302

    I was also borderline scammed by an IDA member. Posted in the classified looking for downriggers. I got a pm that a guy had two of the exact model I was looking for at a good price. I sent him a check and he sent the riggers….well needless to say, they were the lowest end models Cannon makes and NOT the models he claimed…He said it was an oversite and I could mail them back to him. I would have been out about $50 bucks for the shipping so I sucked it up and resold them…Lesson learned…

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 17

    I finally got my calls returned and the situation explained again from the seller (not his girlfriend) and it is being shipped by his girlfriend.

    More fingers crossed.

    I will let you all know when this is resolved. I don’t have any hard feelings, just wanted my side of the original deal.

    Posts: 973

    What is happening to you is very suprising and a bit disappointing. I have a few somewhat profitable hobbies dealing with fisherman (antique motors) and older Baseball Card collectors. HAVE BASEBALL CARDS, I WILL BUY.

    Anyway, there are NO two more honest groups of people in the world. Goood luck, identify the guy causing the problem and let us know.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    My understanding is everything has been cleared up. The guy in question contacted the poster immediately after I sent him a PM. Apparently he had been out of town.

    All is well.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 17

    It isn’t as simple as just not being out of town(he was online and not answering PM’s that I received read receipts for, he didn’t return phone messages). He also placed a deal between myself and him in the hands of someone who didn’t care about me.

    My stuff is said to be UPS’d and should be here next week. I am not going to hold any grudge if this is true and he learned a minor lesson about doing his own things himself if he wants them done right.

    – Craig

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This has been talked about MANY times before, but I think it’s worth repeating here.

    James (better known as the Great and Powerful OZ) opened the classified forums a number of years ago as an added benefit to “contributing” members. More clearly, to users that didn’t come to IDA just to sell things but came here for the fishing knowledge and fellowship of the IDA membership. It was a great place to sell items that were no longer needed or buy something that members would want to buy second hand. It was never intended to be a fishermans e-bay…so to speak.

    So, over the years it’s been harder and harder to filter out the folks that JUST come here to sell items. I took a gander in the classifieds last night. They have their own comunity in there! Many handles that I’ve never see before…some with hundreds of posts…all in the classifieds.

    These are not contributing members. These are what I would call resellers and go against the classified rules and the whole intent of the classifieds.

    Now…don’t take this as I’m bashing anyone persoally because I’m not and we have many good members that have come here because that saw or wanted to post something in the classifieds…

    However…when I’m looking to buy something, I look at the number of posts the person has made first…then look at the “show all posts” function in their profile. If all of the posts or even 75% of them are made in the classified forums. I either back away…or proceed VERY cautiously.

    These fellas decribed above have nothing to lose once they have your money.

    Now take a member that has 200 post and only a couple in the classifieds. Chances are other members know him. He has a reputation to keep…the percentages are in your favor of getting the product.

    Again, there are always going to be disagreements, but again the odds are now in your favor to recieve an acceptable out come.

    I can’t say that this is what happened in this case.

    The number of posts and where these post were made IS the tracking system.

    I hope everything works out for you Hans!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    Good point there, Brian. Never thought to check about that. Will look at the sellers contribution before I buy. I think it is a very prudent point. From my experiences sp far, contributing IDA members have been really trustworthy and friendly.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 17

    I received my trolling motor and transducer today. I am glad that I finally received the goods, but am wondering if it is a big deal that the transducer cable is split open for about an inch? I think I can only see one of the conductors. Is there a way to fix this?

    Thanks to everyone for their support.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    BrianK, Excellent post. I’m glad you said it because you saved me a bunch of typing.

    Hans – That ducer is likely to give you trouble if it’s split open like that.

    Buyer beware guys. BrianK’s suggestions should be followed, IMO.

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