A dream come True!

  • fishermn
    Posts: 2

    A buddy of mine took a couple of months off of work, and is canoeing down the Minnesota river as we speak. He left Ortonville on July 1st, and plans to go down the Minnesota, then the Mississippi, and then up the St. Croix River. He doesn’t have much for modern convienence along with him, other than a cell phone (emergancies), a propane stove, a small radio (weather info). He has a pile of dehydrated food/MRE’s along, a tent, and of course his fishin rods. And no he isn’t using a trolling motor, he is paddling the entire way-the way one should canoe! He is living a dream, something he’s always wanted to do. And to be quite honest, something I’d loved to have done had I not been married w/children! A dream only a few will EVER get to realize!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Fishermn…there’s only one thing stopping anyone from realizing their dream….themselves.

    My hat’s off to the fella that’s living his dream

    Posts: 1399


    Fishermn…there’s only one thing stopping anyone from realizing their dream….themselves.

    My hat’s off to the fella that’s living his dream

    I second that! Good Luck to your buddy.

    My dream is something similar, I’ve wanted to take an entire fall off and travel the Quetico in a solo-canoe….someday, someday……

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Mine is to work at a Resort on the Mississippi River…for a week or two…

    Take another week of Dean!

    Posts: 604

    my in laws stopped in clearwater on the way home from bemidji and overheard a guy and his 13 year old kid who were on there way to the gulf of mexico in a kayak. i guess the guy did it when he was like 19 and now his kid is doing it with him. talk about a trip. what a way to bond with your son.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I have always wanted to take boat, fishing gear and my shotgun and camp for a month and “live off the land” but since the DNR frowns on “hunting” out of season and no guns allowed in Voyagers park…I guess I will never be able to do it.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    Isn’t it going to be tough going to go up the St Croix against the current. I have a healthy respect for river currents cos when I want to anchor and fish for crappies, I usually have to fight the current to get the boat just right. Imagine a canoe. But I think the Minnesota and the Mississippi part should be good.

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