Prayers Requested For A IDA Member/Friend

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Below is a personal prayer request from a friend on the site. Below that first pm he sent me is the 2nd pm which I just got now.

    Bill, we have never met, but have become friendly here, and I know that you are a Christian man, so I ask for your prayers next week. I am going in on the 19th for Gastric Bypass surgury (scary surgury, but less scary than my future without it) I have been on the LEARN program of weight loss through mayo since May and lost 40 lbs so far in preparation for the surgury. Docs say I need to do this as college wrestling tore up my knees, and I need replacements, but can’t do it till I get to a reasonable weight.

    So I ask that you keep me and my family in your prayers

    [2nd pm] Been in the process for a year. It is where they tie off most of your stomach and re-route the small intestine. I have changed my lifestyle the past 2months for this, so when I have the gig done next week I am ready for it.

    Took me 10 months to come to grips with it (1 in 300 die on the table) but through the Lord, I am at peace with it. When it’s my time, it’s my time and if that is next Wednesday, than so be it. If I want to live to have my grandkids bounce on my knee, now is the time. My father died at 56, my favorite uncle at 53. Genetics isn’t on my side, so I’m hoping science evens the score a bit.

    Thanx in advance for the prayers. The more people praying for me may just turn the tide in my favor in case the Lord wants me on that day. My 10 yo son and 8 yo daughter mean too much to me for me to continue my lifestyle.

    [3nd pm]

    Bill, thanx for the prayers….prayers on the site would have been fine too…..Mayo kicked me out 2 days early and I just got home a couple hours ago….gonna be nice sleeping in my bed….in a lot of pain, but to be expected….well, i’m goin to bed, thanx for thinking of me [end of 2nd pm]

    Derrick goes by the name of Big D and the battle isn’t over yet. Theres alot of things that need to happen correctly after this type of surgery and he is in need of your prayers that everything does go correctly and that the end of this program/style of life helps him without complications later down the road. Please keep him in your prayers. His wanting a chance to be there for his own family and someday grandkids is his motivation as you can see. Derrick is a man who has touched alot of lives. He is a Shop teacher and Coach and has had alot more influence on kids than he will ever know. One example is that he was my son Nates Shop teacher in high school. Derrick influenced Nate to the point that Nates career job is in the construction field. Thanks for being there for my son Bud. Now its time for my prayers and hopefully many many other’s prayers to be there for you.

    Thanks, Bill

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    My wife has had this done and I know what he will be going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Out of all the teachers I had the one that made the biggest differnce in my life was my shop teacher JB !!

    I hope everything goes well… Your in my prayers..

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    God Bless and good luck!!!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I will keep Derrick in my prayers.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    got mine as well, thanks a ton and look forward to hearing good news soon!!


    Posts: 12

    Bill and Big D…
    I have had the gastric bypass.. I had the RNY proceedure.. I had it in April 2001. I am in better health than I have been in years… I have lost a total of 230 lbs.. Was 430 when I went into surgery.. In all reality I lost more weight than that.. I got rid of a 210 lb man that ruled my life for 22 yrs and told me that I would never be desired by another.. That was after he had made so depressed with my life that I went from a size 12 (165) to a size 32/34 womans (430 lbs).. Yes I know that I held the fork.. but when you have no control of anything else in your life and you can control that food that goes into your mouth it is the thing you turn to.. at least I turned to.. Soo now at age 43, in a great relationship, quit my boring job at the hospital doing medical coding and billing, returned to school but this time to be a cosmotologist.. Not the greatest job on earth but something I love doing.. I love working with elderly, handycapped and obese ppl that no one wants to give services to because they are different.. I was once the different one.. I know the feeling.. SSSSOOOOO BIG D.. My prayers and thoughts are with you.. I honestly can say I know what you are dealing with and know the changes that will happen in your life in a few short hours on the table.. But trust me it is all well worth it… Where are you having it done? What proceedure? If you would like to read my journy go to and look up in the peers section Kimberly Molina, the state is Missouri… I was a really big girl and no one really knows that unless I tell them.. HATS OFF TO YOU FOR THE COURAGE AND TRUST YOU ARE GIVING YOURSELF TO LIVE AGAIN!!! Here is a pic of me before surgery..
    KIM M.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    Thanx all for the words. I had my surgury last wednesday the 19th, and they kicked me out to go home last night…good thing/bad thing.

    Long road ahead of me…can’t figure out how to sleep….etc.

    Please continue to keep my family in your prayers as this is a long haul/process and there will be some rough waters ahead.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Kim. Where have you been? Haven’t seen you on here for a long time. Thanks for sharing with us. I’m sure it will be a big help to our friend Big D.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 12

    Big D….
    The best way for me to sleep was in a recliner.. Have you figured out the issue of cleaning your own butt yet.. SMILES! That in itself was interesting to me… I had my daughter there to help me on and off the pot but she was 13 and no way was she gonna wipe my butt.. Hee hee… You can email me at [email protected] if you need any help with anything in the question and answer field.. Me and a few friend started a support group for men and woman in the Northwest Arkansas area. I would recommend you find a local support group to help you through the first year and then you can become a mentor for others! It is very rewarding. We just met in one of our homes once a month till we outgrew that, then we approached a local hospital to see if they would let us have our support group meeting in a meeting room and they did and now they provide our drinks and snacks. We ask doctors to come and speak and dietitions and such.. We have clothing swaps and we meet for lunches twice a month or so.. It is great… On the clothes subject.. If you go and buy new ones everytime you need new clothes then you will have spent more on them than you did you surgery cost in less than a year.. Soo i would suggest you getting in touch with a local clothes closet and tell them your situation and they will help you out.. You drop so fast those first several months everything will be baggy and hey isnt baggy the style these days for the youth…lol you can just say your in fashion when your pants are so loose that you are showing your boxers.. hee hee hee.. Thanks to all who privately emailed me about my success.. I have the honors of attributing that to the Great One Above.. Without him I would not have gotten through it all..
    Thanks all and D write me…

    Bill, I have been going to Cosomotology School.. go figure .. me 43 back in school.. I would have never done this without the surgery. I was to shy and scared.. but soon i will be graduating and not sure what I will do then.. Thinking about taking Instructors School… I am a bit to old to stand 8 hrs a day in a salon. But who knows.. Whatever I do I am going to be selfish with my time.. I have been asked to work at several shops in the area but refuse cause I HAVE TO BE ABLE TO BE OFF ON WEEKENDS TO FISH…. We still go every weekend.. I just cant work weekends..
    How are you Bill? What is new in your world?
    Fill me in..
    Smiles and Hugs to all..

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    Thanx for the note Kim. Father in law rigged my bed last night, so I got some sleep. Was able to get comfortable at least. As for the other problem, nada….good to go there….have a powerwasher…just kidding.

    Yes, I am starting to feel human.

    Good for you starting your life over. My goal is to get back down to my collegiate wrestling weight, get my knees replaced, and run some tin-man marathons like I did 15 years ago.

    And fish like a maniac.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    God Bless and Good Luck!!!

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Good luck Big D! We met this spring when I bought your rider…my thoughts and prayers are with you. BTW…you might have to change your handle to “medium D” in a few months

    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232


    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    RVV…that rider was step two in my program….stop sitting and mowing, and help my son walk and mow….exercise….hope that baby treats you like it treated me….never not started for me…

    Thanx to everyone….starting to feel human here, perhaps pull out the baitcaster in a week or so and hit the docks in winona again….

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the update Bud. Glad to hear you are doing fine.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Kim, my oldest daughter use to do hair but decided she wanted to make the money in 40 hours per week what she was making working 60 hours a week so she went to school for nursing. Shes an LPN working in a Clinic [Mayo] where she works Mon-Fri. My youngest one gets married next month. Nate and Jessie have been going together for 9 years [since Jr. High] so now I think he figures its about time. Been doing alot with my family this year, more than normal, but I love my kids and grandkids [ 9, my oldest son married last Dec. and he had 1 and she had 3 so they add up fast] and enjoy being with them. I get out fishing as much as I can so I keep busy. Otherwise not alot new here. Hows the old man doing with his bass tournaments? Take care.
    Thanks, Bill

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