New Look For FTL Message Board

  • Anonymous

    Looks like the FTL/FTR computer guys are improving the site for us again. They sure like to spoil us. Thanks James and Steve. Bill and Nate

    Steve Hougom
    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 49


    What new look were you referring too? I added some stylesheets that an individual can pick in their display prefs but thats about it. Perhaps that is what you are referring to.

    Im curious.

    Posts: 780

    The new upload of style sheets somehow changed the default from “ftl1” to “misty.”

    Anyone that likes the new look, do nothing. Enjoy. Anyone that would like to revert t othe old look, go to “my home,” click on display preferrences and select a style sheet…. second drop down menu from the top of the page. Tons of cool looks in there…. and best of all, you get to choose the one you like best!

    Steve Hougom
    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 49

    I was testing under the admin account and I set the overall default style to misty. That certainly wasnt the intention! I set the default back to ftl1. I also added these 4 styles on FTR but everything seems ok over their. Its nice to be able to change the look to the one you want so youre not forced to look at something that in ones own opinion, would make a billy goat puke!


    You guys trying to confuse me?!? LOL Bill

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