Job Opportunities

  • BassHog
    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    I was laid off today from a hardwood flooring company in Southeastern Wisconsin. I am currently looking for a new job..I am asking fellow IDar’s if they have any ideas for jobs. I do not have a resume yet (since this just happend) but am planning on making one tomorow.

    This is basically what I have experience in:
    -2 Years Sales Experience(Fishing, Clothing, Camping).
    -2 Years Experience Order Selector/Forklift Operator
    -4 Months Experience Installing Hardwood Floors
    -1 Year Experience Merchandising Kraft Foods

    I have a strong work ethic and work 10-14 hour days on a regular basis with no problems.

    I am a college student and work part time during school (30-35 hours). My major in school for the past two years was Journalism but I now have changed to Marketing/Advertising. I am extremely handy with a computer and am VERY experienced in Microsoft Office and other related programs with courses taken in High School and College.

    Any information or ideas will be appreciated.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Know the feeling Basshog!

    Too bad you weren’t closer to the cities…I know a “Stick” that could use some help…he works you twice as hard for half as much pay….but he’s a good walleye fisherman…I’ve heard…

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031


    Know the feeling Basshog!

    Too bad you weren’t closer to the cities…I know a “Stick” that could use some help…he works you twice as hard for half as much pay….but he’s a good walleye fisherman…I’ve heard…

    That offer only went to my good friends like you . too bad could probally use the help then I could go fishing a little more.

    Should’nt be hard to find some thing there a jobs out there by the dozens for the college students, just got to be willing to be the guy down in the trenches. good luck

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey Brian,

    don’t be giving stick any more ideas, he spends enough time out on the water. ha ha ha, j/k, I am sure that he likes it that way, so that he don’t have to be around us!!


    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I would check out Menards. They are excellent about working with college students and there scedules. They will go as far if you change schools and there is a Menards in the area they will employ you there.

    For an experienced fork lift operator the pay isn`t to shaby either. If I remember right about $14 an hour and premeum for weekends.

    I have talked to a few college students that work at our local Menards and they luv it, and say a good company to work for.

    Good Luck

    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    Thanks for the info…

    I made a resume and have attached it.

    Any insite on my resume would be helpful…I don’t take offense to positive criticism

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    When I had to make my resume, the lady at career services that I talked to told me to make it no more than one page in length unless you fill up over half of the second page. I would look at trying to shorten it so that it fits on the one page. My other advice is for the education part, leave off the plans to attend school for your BA. Only put what you are currently doing or have done. Its also not a bad idea to put the education near the top. If you want, you can give me your email and I can send you a copy of my resume if you want to see how mine is laid out.

    I do like the layout of yours and it looks nice, but it can’t hurt to consider the changes/suggestions that I gave you. Good Luck on the job hunt, I’m hoping mine is winding down soon.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Make sure to check spelling.
    What type of work are you looking for?

    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    Thanks for the info Skippy…I will adjust my resume.

    Basically, I am looking for work in anything from construction to office/clerical work. Computers are my strong point and I feel I would be best utilized if I worked in some way with computers.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I have been reading resumes for a living for about 10years now. I have sent you a PM with some things to do with your resume.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    Bass Hog,
    You are on the right track. If needed, I would put the hammmer down and finish school. That is your best bet for long term employment.
    A way that I found to shorten my time in Grad School was to take Adult ed classes. They were the same classes offered on campus but they often offered off of campus but the drive to get 3 credits out of the way in 3 weekends was well worth it. Also when I did these they were regularly offered on other college campuses, in this case I could stay at that campus for about $10 a night. Check with there student housing offices.

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