Congrats to the Dezuriks

  • jlbassfishing
    Posts: 50

    If Steve or someone could confirm this, I would appreciate it, or maybe I am already late, but I believe Steve and his Dad Jim won a tournament on the Rum river/Mississippi (yesterday?) chasing smallies, and also won the big fish with one over 5lbs?
    If so congrats and awesome job guys, couldn’t happen to 2 more deserving and friendlier gentlemen. Fill us in on the details and Congrats to the Dezurik boys. Seems like Steve can come up big in tourneys as well!!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    Thanks alot Jeremy. I appreciate it.
    My brother Tony and I fished the Miss River Smallmouth bass tournament in Anoka, Mn yesterday and won with a total of 5 fish for 15+ lbs. We also squeeked out the big fish of the day with a big smallie over the 5# mark.
    It was a great day on the river as the numbers of fish were a little down for us but the right fish bit. We had our 3 big fish within the first 20 minutes, and after that we looked for a couple more to fill the bag and also to upgrade.

    I would like to thank Kevin Turner (River Pro boats) for building one of the best shallow water river boats I have ever seen. No way would we have had this opportunity without the aid of this rig.

    Also congrats to Jack Kordiak and his partner for taking 3rd place. Jack put a hole into his River Pro 2 days before this event and had to resort to fish some waters that he had not pre-fished and managed to put together a great day on the water. Good job guys.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Congratulations Steve and Tony


    Anoka, MN
    Posts: 16

    Congratulations as well! You guys put a great bag together to beat a lot of very good anglers, nice job. It was nice meeting and talking with both of you.

    Congrats again,
    Brady Blaska

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Congrats you Two!

    5 lber’ plus, Wow what a piggie!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Where you using nightcrawlers, leeches, or chubs??????

    By the way;


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Nice job Steve and congrats to both you and Tony. Well deserved!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Where you using nightcrawlers, leeches, or chubs??????

    yeah, Gary knows my thoughts on using livebait for smallies! JK I actually wish they would not allow livebait for the protection of the fish. Everyone knows how aggressive smallies can be and I just feel that putting livebait into a tourney like this puts the fish in such jeopardy with hooking mortality issues. I know many might disagree with me, but its just how I feel.

    Thanks guys.
    Kind of funny, we both under estimated our weight at the end of the day by about 2#. This time it worked out for the better.

    Our 3 big fish came on topwaters and then the rest of the fish we caught through the day were on a little of everything, hair jigs, swimmin jigs, tubes, etc…

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    So the riverpro was key??? I take it you didn’t fish anywhere below the Champlain bridge then??

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    So the riverpro was key??? I take it you didn’t fish anywhere below the Champlain bridge then??

    Dan, I was a day away from giving you a shout about the southern half when the upper section finally took off. Not that you and I need a reason to get out and share the boat sometime! Thank you for the offer BTW!

    I was told the dropping water levels “leaking” water from Coon rapids dam (that needs repairs again), so the water was dropping inches everyday for the last 2 weeks. Made staying on the fish interesting.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Congrats buddy! It was a well-deserved win for sure.

    Tell me about that 5+ Lb smallie. How long was she?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Tell me about that 5+ Lb smallie. How long was she?

    Huh?? Tell me????? , James c’mon now………………..SHOW ME THE MONEY with some PICs of that COW!!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Tell me about that 5+ Lb smallie. How long was she?

    I was told the basket they weighed the fish in weighed a little over the 2# range and our fish was 7.? something with the basket. Not sure why they weighed the fish this way without zero-ing the scale out but…no biggie.

    Anyway, I did not even get a length on her but my guess was 20-1/4″ or there abouts. That fish hit on the 5th cast of the day. My brother Tony was the guy responsible for catching this fish. We had a heck of a first 15-20 minutes. 2nd cast I landed a 19″ fish, and Tony’s 5th cast or so landed the big fish of the day. about 10 minutes later I stuck another 19″ on a Jimmy D’s black 1/8th oz Riverbug. The high five’s and a handful of arm pumps were in full swing there for awhile!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    SHOW ME THE MONEY with some PICs of that COW!!

    You will get a kick out of this. My pre-fishing trips were going pretty well leading up to the tourney and each time I forgot my camera…so on tourney day when I did remember the camera, I decided not to jinx myself and leave it at home!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    Nice job Steve! You’re going to have to paint a bullseye on that boat.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Congrats Steve!
    I met your brother Tony at the 494 ramp a couple of months ago. Nice guy! I figured out it was your brother by the “hair jigs” sticker on his truck. He told me you talked him into buying the Ranger and then you turn around and buy the River Pro! Anyway, congrats again on the win!


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Way to go Dee Zees!
    Great job!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Congrats Steve and Tony.
    Thanks, Bill

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