EFN Summer Get-Together – 2002 – Dates Announced!

  • Anonymous

    Hey everyone!

    Well its that time again and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to this as much as we are here at FTR! Last years Get-Together was a tremendous success and a ton of fun for everyone and we’re hoping this year will be a little bigger and a little bit better for all involved! So mark these dates down on your calendar and plan to bring family and friends to this year’s event:

    July 20, 2002 – To be held out of Everts Resort near Red Wing, MN.

    Everyone is invited. This is a FREE event and basically we hold a FREE Fishing Tournament with Walleye/ Sauger, Bass, and Catfish Categories for the anglers to compete in…. and we give away some incredible prizes to the winners! Food follows the tournament and as the sun sets, there’s a always a good sized group that stays around and indulges in left-overs and adult beverages while we trade fishing secrets! With this year’s event to be held out of Everts Resort, there will be campfires into the night as well as a little shore fishing after dark for those that didn’t get enough during the tournament.

    For those of you that are new to the site or missed last years event, here’s a page we did to highlight the 2001 Get-Together: EFN’s 2001 Summer Get-Together

    This year’s event will be held out of Everts Resort as they offer greatly improved launching and loading facilities as well as over a half dozen docks for off-loading fish and passengers durign the weigh-in for our tournament. Everts also offers cabins for rent right there on-site so instead of dragging your boat to the Get-Together in the AM and leaving early to get back to the hotel while there’s still parking available for the rig, look at getting a cabin there at Everts for the weekend and save yourself the hassle all together and plan to stay and fish on Sunday as well. The EFN Pro-Staff Team will be staying there so there will definitely be a good group of us around for the duration of the weekend.

    At this point I’ve asked the manager of Everts Resort, Steve Vick, to jump in here and let us know what he has available as well as the rates he’s offering us for that weekend.

    Looking forward to seeing many of you there!

    EFN Webstaff


    Hi all! Well hopefully this will all make sense. This might get long, but bear with me.

    As of now, I have 4 cabins open for the weekend of the get together. They sleep 5,4,2 and 6. Thats how many beds each has. We could put more people if needed on floors/airmattresses or whatever. I may be jumping the gun here and not have to worry about the cabins filling up, but just in case here is what I would like to do. To accomodate as many people as possible, I would like to have at least 4 people in a cabin with 4 beds and 6 people in a cabin with 6 beds and so on. I’ve already got a few people saying “book me a room”. I guess what i’m saying is maybe people could try to hook up with buddies on here through private messages or something and get a groups together. I know people are always offering their open boat seats to strangers on here…..if you can get a group of people together and still have a bed leftover, would you be willing to let another “stranger” stay with you. I think this get together is about getting to know names with faces, so I don’t see a problem with this. Basically, if you want to get a cabin, see if your buddies or anybody wants to go in with you and would you be open to others in your cabin if you have room? Hopefully we can make this go smoothly as possible. I also have campspots open with electric and water if anybody is interested in that. Give me a call and I can reserve one of those for you if you want. Tents can be put up on the sandy beach if you choose to do that.

    Cabin rates vary depending on how many people you have per cabin, but basically it will be about $30/person/night.

    Tents will be $10/tent

    Campspots with hookups for trailers/motorhomes……are $20/night.

    I will wave the launch fee for anybody staying in a cabin/tent/trailer and will reduce the launch fee to $5 for everyone else. Hope this all makes some sense and start getting people together! Hope to hear from you. Thanks a bunch!

    Steve Vick Everts Resort Manager

    Pool 4 Mississippi River 715-792-2333


    Friday July 19, 2002, is the first EFN Big Brothers/Big Sisters “Gatherings”. It too is to be held at Everts Resort . Meeting time for all volunter help and EFN Field-Staff / Pro-Staff is 8:00am. Orentation and duities for each person helping will be announced then.

    BB/BS matches will arrive at Everts Resort at 9:30am. “Blast off” for fishing starts at 10:00am. EFN hopes to have at least 1/2 of our 30 member staff there with boats. I would appreciate all EFN staff and any FTL or FTR ‘er who wishes to take a BB/BS match out fishing to; 1) check with your insurance agent for your own adequate liability coverage, 2) to accomidate your guests by having at least two extra life jackets (one in a kids size), 3) bring a couple of extra rigged rods. BB/BS matches will have three hours in the boat and return for lunch. After lunch, they’ll have another three hours in a different person’s boat. Artifical and live bait will be provided.

    If you wish to help and do not have a boat, you may do so by helping to teach shore-fishing lessons from the beach at Everts Resort by shareing your rigging tips. If you have them, bring extra rods that the kids can use! (Note: I will leave my realy good and “high buck” rods at home or in the truck…. accidents will and do happen. Been there done that! Be ready for your loaner rod to get broken….this is to happen often with kids who may have never held a rod. To prevent this, have kids stand the rods up and teach them not to lay them on the ground. About 90% get broken by the kids, or another person who end up stepping on them.)

    Hotdogs and Kool Aid will be provided FREE for all at 1:00pm to 2:00pm at Everts Resort . This event ends at 6:00pm.

    Please do your part to help make this a success…. in filling the day with fun, fishing information, and grand memories for these youth and their BB/BS matches.

    If you want to help but can not attend, and can donate $ or items for the event, please contact me. Or with any questions… here on this thread, or on a Private Message, or by email at [email protected]

    Thank you for your part of this effort. Here is to safe and fun-filled time on the river for us all.


    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 61

    What about an esox category?


    Love it! Do it up…cool. Dave Hawger


    I thought I would bring back up to the Top!!!!!!!!

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