Perch in Mille Lacs?

  • Anonymous

    Could it be that the perch population is down in the lake because of all the Huge Walleyes?They need something to eat.


    Don’t know if its from the Big Walleyes, but would only lead me to suspect thats the case. The reports say the perch are down and I’m not catching them like previous years.

    Time will tell.


    For anyone who’s been “perching” in a lake with big pike and muskie present will also find the perch are a flavorful favorite of those fish as well! In fact, I dare say, they eat more perch than the walleye! However, there is a fry relationship ratio between walleye and perch. If a lake is run over with perch, it’s usually had to get walleyes started to any great numbers. Also, a lake that has an abundant walleye presence has the same effect on perch………..the more walleye, the less perch.

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