Pete Harsh Rumor

  • TomMiller
    Sherburn. MN 56171
    Posts: 25

    About a week ago I seen someone post a question about Pete leaving WARRIOR BOATS and was looking for more info on that rumor, I’ve been gone for a week and now I can’t find that post to see if that was true or not. I’m not even sure which site it was on anymore. Does any one know anything about it?



    Worked the boat show this weekend for La Cannes marine and found it is true.I guess Warrior asked Pete to fish half of the PWT tourneys instead of all of them and he did not want to do that so they had a parting of ways.Brett


    I spoke with Pete about a month ago on the phone for quite awhile and he mentioned to me then that he was only going to fish the West this year. His reason was to get in more pleasure hunting and fishing with his buddies that he has missed over the years. Whatever happened, real bummer.

    I have been trying to reach him as of lately.

    Sherburn. MN 56171
    Posts: 25

    Brett & Steve,

    I read both of your posts a number of times and it seems that you two are saying just the oppisate of each other, or am I missing something? WARRIOR BOATS sponsor the Minnesota Walleye Trail, so I do have an interest in this thing with Pete. I might find out more this weekend at the MN Walleye Expo.

    Posts: 6

    Hi Tom, I was checking out your embroiderd hunting vests today, pretty sharp! Anyways Tom, as you know our family is pretty close to Pete. He called the next day he resigned and explained what happened. In respect, I won’t go into details, but things just didn’t work out. It wasn’t anyone factor but just had several issues that added up to “It’s the right time to go onto the next challenge in Life”. He really is being a true professional about it and you will see him in an RCL boat soon. Which one, I will wait for his public announcement!! He has been contacted with a lot of options on the table. I have tremendous amount of respect for my friend and I don’t think he is going to regret this move.

    Scott Arndt “arnieMn”


    Pete is one great hook and one of the nicest touring pros I’ve had the chance to talk to. You see a lot of pros change sponsors for one reason or another. Like they say, change is good.


    You are right Mike, Pete is a great guy. The guys at Warrior have been nothing but spectacular to me with my rig. The last time I spoke with him he just mentioned that he was going to back off the PWT slightly this year and fish only the West. Who knows, at the time he and I spoke, his decision was probably not public yet and was not about to spill the beans until it was final.

    He is a true competitor and will be a threat no matter which float he is out of, but he will be missed.

    Go get’um Pete!!

    Steve Hougom
    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 49

    I spoke with Pete at Red Wing just before they announced him the winner of that tournament back in 99. He sat their and talked with me for a minute or two and then walked up and collected his 50 grand. I have much admiration and respect for Pete Harsh.

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