PETA, whats next

  • Anonymous

    January 15, 2002

    William Morrissey, Director

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

    Parks and Recreation Division

    500 Lafayette Road

    St. Paul, MN 55155

    Dear Mr. Morrissey:

    On behalf of PETA’s more than 750,000 members and supporters, as well as thefish, birds, and

    other animals that make Minnesota state parks their home, we respectfully request that fishing

    be banned in all Minnesota state parks. According to an article in U.S. News & World Report

    (“Parks in Peril,” July 21, 1997), the park system is bending under the pressure of

    encroachment, underfunding, overcrowding, and pollution. Eliminating fishing and its harmful

    effects would take some of this pressure off of the parks and their inhabitants.

    The violent process of fishing and its consequences do not complement the peace and

    tranquility of a state park. As you know, fish have a neurochemical system like ours and thus

    the brain capacity to experience fear and pain. Fish who are torn from the water suffer from

    being impaled, thrown, stepped on, or mutilated while alive. Many die slowly and painfully from


    Fishing has other victims, too: In one case among many, a young bald eagle was found by the

    National Park Service, near death because of injuries to his feet caused by fishing line that had

    cut through his flesh, resulting in a systemic infection and intense suffering. He required

    intensive daily care for three months before he was successfully released. Not all animals are as

    lucky. Millions of birds and other animals suffer, and many die, from injuries caused by discarded

    fishing hooks, monofilament line, lead weights, and floats. Animals who become entangled in

    fishing line are often trapped underwater and drown or, unable to feed, die slowly of starvation.

    In fact, many wildlife rehabilitators tell us that fishing litter is the single greatest cause of injuries

    to aquatic animals.

    Minnesota state parks have traditionally made the compassionate choice to ban hunting, and we

    are asking you to take the next step. Fishing is just hunting in the water. The tide is turning on

    sportfishing with the widespread recognition of the sentience of fish and the desire to live a

    more compassionate, less harmful life. After reading the enclosed materials, we hope you will

    make the decision to ban fishing in Minnesota state parks and turn them into true havens for all.

    Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for

    your consideration.


    Dan Shannon

    “Fishing Hurts” Campaign

    Thought everyone would like to see this crap. I found it on muskie central, it is supposed to be from the MDNR website.


    After searching the Minnesota DNR website, I can assure you that this letter or anything related to this letter DOES NOT EXIST!

    I have seen several of these “Letters” popping up on the internet and cannot say that any of them are valid. They serve no purpose other than getting the sporstmen P.O’ed. Maybe that is thier goal.

    We all need to take this stuff with a grain of salt….

    Jon J.


    Way to go Jon! When I read this I didn’t have the time to look it up. I, like you, always try to read between the lines on these types of posts.

    Good Job, Thanks for taking the time to investigate.


    It may not exist on a website (and thank you Jon for investigating!) but I’m not sure a grain of salt is the right thing to do either. This could be a letter to a congress politician…………all you have to do is readdress and mail it! Only a few states have passed laws to permanently preserve our right to hunt and fish, but there are other events going on that could still come full circle and severely dampen what is “preserved” for us.

    I think for every one of these “SPAMMING” letters found, we should resubmit a letter of benefit to nature, animal species, and humanity itself, that comes from our beloved practices. As for their litter arguments, it’s really the strongest thing they have in this particular letter…………… it’s simple. Clean up after yourself! I’m thinking most of us here, if not all of us here, already do. Educate and take time to clean up the messes you find. Before long, their numbers will be so inaccurate that no one can take them seriously!


    I can’t say for sure if this is true or not, I just know this is what I was told. Sounds like something PETA might try, though I doubt the MDNR would listen to them. The problem with the internet is it is hard to tell who is lying and who is telling the truth.


    PETA means People Eating Tasty Animals, right?


    There was a small blurb in Sunday’s Pioneer Press about this letter. It was indeed sent to the Mn DNR. Thankfully, they replied to PETA saying that fishing was a legitimate activity in the park system and they would not be changing any rules.



    Guy’s I posted some kick as> reciepes over on FTR. Old ranger even wants to eat one ( A PETA I Think???) Check them out!!!



    Hey guys, I just saw a short (very) report on kstp chanel 5 out of minneapolis this morning. guess what??? It was on 1 groups efforts to ban fishing in minnesota’s state parks!!! Yes the peta people got themselves on tv. although it was short and ended with the reporter saying the MN. DNR has no intetion of bannig fishing from the state parks….It was still on TV!!!! we need to start a petition or something to let these IDOITS know WE are out here and will NOT put up with thier BULLSHI> I dont think they are done with this one yet!!! I could not find it on the web but the address is

    kstp should be ashamed of even running such a story without some kind of follow up from people like you and me!!!

    Any Idea’s???


    Yes, I have an idea… lets send them the Email I just got that details (and with pictures) chicken fly fishing! Maybe this’ll get them even more wild! Funny, but when thy get hold of it… look out!

    Nope, truth is we are doomed to put up with listeneing to all this crap ’till folks get mad enough to fight them.

    Fisherman are not an organized group, sad to say… Hawger


    Now that you bring it up, I do a little ” coon ” fishing of my own when the kids and I are camping at our favorite State Park!!! First off, we wait for the critters to come out at night, then we take our fishing rods, remove the hooks and “tie” on a big juicy marshmello. Then you throw it out and “wait” for a nibble. just when the coon thinks he has it start reeling in!!! EVER see a racoon stand up and scrath his head??? Of coarse this is totally “catch and release” so future generations can enjoy the same thing in “OUR” state parks.

    Hawger, I’ll try and get a vidoe next time for you to send with your chickens!!!!!!l……LOL…

    Bill and Nate …Trolling does not work for this!!!!!

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