Fishermen have big hearts- Auction for Ashton.

  • Anonymous

    Hi everyone,

    I’m putting this post everywhere and ask your help that you keep it at the top of the board. I’d like for you to know about a future muskie fisherman that needs your help.

    The future muskie fisherman is a little boy named Ashton. Ashton was born with a double bi-lateral cleft palate; he will have a minimum of 8 surgeries over the next 7 years. He will not be able to speak until he is 7 or so, and will not get his ‘hard palate’ until that time. Ashton has one of the more serious forms of the birth defect, but it is fairly correctable with extensive plastic surgery.

    His parents have no one to go to to help defray expenses, as the surgical team is in Madison, and they live three hours away.

    On Tuesday January 29th. at 7:00 will be the site of a “live” auction in the chat room hosted by myself and a special guest. We already have some great items donated and expect alot more.

    If you would like to donate an item or help out please contact me at [email protected]


    Steve Cady


    (add photo here)

    I am thrilled to help. I donate this antique steel rod/reel/case combo. The rod is about three and one half feet long and has the origional guides. The reel is a Hurd “Super Cast” that has level wind and a drag adjustment, clicker, and spool tention adjustment. It was made in Detroit. The rod and reel comes with its origional leather carry case. The hand crafted wooden handle is in great shape. It is spooled with very old multi-color line. I figure this rod set to be as old as I am!

    This rod, reel, and case was given to me years ago by my pastor’s wife, who said it was her father’s. She said that she knew I would treasure it! Which I do. But, it has been on display hanging on the wall in my downstairs “tackle room” for long enough. I am so happy to donate this piece of history and fine craftswork to help Ashton’s family.

    I will ship this to the buyer at no charge. Good luck at the auction, and may God bless your efforts. Hawger


    Thanks Hawg!


    Now Steve, you’ll have to call me “Hawger” and not “Hawg” as there is a Hawg on our sites too… We’ll get all goofed up, the way Steve Hougom and I do… both having “Hoggie” and “Hougie” as nick-names!

    You are very welcome, and just let me know when and where to send the rod/reel. You get down this way, lets do Cabela’s! Hawger


    Just wanted to let everybody know that even though this event is being held at a muskie site, not all the donated items are muskie related. There are guide trips donated by the EFN Staff as well as walleye rods, tackle and more. So visit the auction on the 29th, you just might find something to your liking.


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