My computer at home doesn’t seem to “remember me” when I log onto the site…I have to log in everytime even though I’m checking the “remember me” box each time. anything I’m doing wrong?
Do you log in at work or anywhere else?? If I log in at work, When I get home I have to log in again, Ther server must only allow one session at a time? which closes my home comp. when I log in anywhere else.
I suspect both of you being affected by a firewall or virus scan setting. Some firewalls automatically clear those log on setting for security reasons. The same thing probably happens when you try to stay logged into other sites too, such as bank accounts.
I stay logged on from multiple computers from multiple locations and rarely need to log into this site.
The computers at work are only for business purposes…hold on the phones ringing…all these people around here interupting all the time while I’m working on the computer! I figure fishing is serious business…hold on again…somebody wanting some report…speaking of reports I had better see what is biting on the river ! Well got to go check out the river reports !