I spent last Friday and Saturday on LOTW. We had a group of 32 guys make the trip. We fished out of Ballards Resort and were a couple of miles off of Pine Island in 27′ of water. Our house had about 50 fish on Friday with 20 keepers that were at least “across the pail” or better. Saturday was a bit slower for numbers but we had about 20 keepers again with a nice walleye at 25″. Also picked up 3 perch that were between 13″ and 14″. As for baits , it seemed that the smaller the better. Small jigs and tear drops got more action. Gold was the best with white next. The larger baits like Salmo Darters and Buckshot Spoons seemed to chase the fish away. You would see them appear on the FL8 and hover right at the bait. After a few seconds they would either hit or drop off the view. The other houses had decent action but a few rookies on the trip struggeled to catch fish. Everyone came back with a decent bag of fillets and had a great time again.
January 7, 2002 at 4:01 pm