Water Temps for River Temps in Lansing

  • TomSchmitt
    Waucoma, IA
    Posts: 17

    Wondering if anybody on pool 9 this week and what the water temp. is. 69-70 last weekend and did very well compared to the scorching 77-78 the weekend before.

    Posts: 95

    The water temperature was 70 on Tuesday. I doubt if it’s changed much since then.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Here’s a link to check the water temps measured at the Lynxville Dam.

    Click on the bar thar reads ‘Pool, Tailwater, and Flows.’ At the bottom is ‘Water Temperature.’ Selelct that and click ‘Go!’ It’ll provide you an up-to-date graph of the temps.

    I hope this helps!

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