So I’ve lived in this house for about 5 years now and the only varmints that have been in the bird feeder have been squirrels. About 2 weeks ago my wife says she saw a racoon eating unser the bird feeder. I thought that was kinda cool. Well she didn’t want any racoons hanging around that might kick the #$%^ out of her little poodle. I thought, I know how to fix this problem. Last thursday I introduced our uninvited guest to Mr. Easton.
No more racoon problem. Then a couple nights later the wife sees another racoon. This morning there were 2 of them out there. I tried getting one of them with the bow but he saw me and took off. I’m thinking of buying a live trap but don’t want to catch the rabbits and squirrels by baiting it with bird seed. Is there something that I could use that only the coons would like? Do need to go catch some crawdads or something?
June 15, 2006 at 1:03 pm