Favorite movie quotes…..

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Whats yours?
    Heres mine…


    Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Posts: 78

    -So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I’m a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald… striking. So, I’m on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one – big hitter, the Lama – long, into a ten-thousand foot crevasse, right at the base of this glacier. Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga… gunga, gunga-galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he’s gonna stiff me. And I say, “Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.” And he says, “Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.

    -License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit – ever. They’re like the Viet Cong – Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that’s all she wrote.

    -Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Mine is simple,

    “Badges????? WE don’t need no stinking BADGES!!!”

    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    Just last weekend that entire post happened in the rig I was fishing in on Spirit Lake. Myself, Chuckles and Ryan Hale(from Harbor View Resort/Hale’s Guide Service) were in tears. Haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Time to dig out Caddy Shack!! LOL!!!!!!


    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Boy that was funny!!! I went to try to rent it but they didn’t have it in DVD.Might just be time to go buy it
    Ryan Hale

    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    Last weekend I asked Ryan, “How many fish on average do you catch out of your boat?” Ryan replied, “Oh…..I, I don’t keep track.” To this I said, “Well then how to measure yourself to other guides?” Ryan’s reply, “By height.”

    Just Kiddin’…….this really didn’t happen. :waytogo


    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Somehow I feel I should be alarmed by the tone of that height discussion!!! You guys had me gasping for breath with your lifelike reenactments of so many great lines from so many great movies. I’m going right now to rent that movie – they better have it!

    By the by – one of my favorite lines from a movie was actually not spoken – it was written on a tombstone in a Clint Eastwood cowboy flick – Maybe For a Fistful of Dollars”? – it said “Here lies Les Moore – 4 slugs from a 44 – No Les, No more” that and many from caddy shack, blues bros, animal house, revenge of the nerds,

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    “Anyone else wanna negotiate?” Bruce Willis / The Fifth Element…

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    The first rule of Fight Club is – you do not talk about Fight Club.

    The second rule of Fight Club is – you DO NOT talk about Fight Club

    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    Just about any line from Super Troopers. “You boys like mecico?” “The snozz berries taste like snozz berries” “I’ll have a liter cola” “Do I look all nimbly bimbly like a cat MEOW?” Guess what I’ll be watching later.


    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    “We ain’t found sh$%!” From Space Balls. Comes in very handy when hunting or fishing.

    “Lighten up Francis.” Click here for more quotes from the movie Stripes.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    “two kinds of men in this world, those with guns, those who dig, you dig”

    Clint Eastwood talking to Eli Wallach in the “Good,Bad and the Ugly”

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Army of Darkness:

    “Well hellooo Mister Fancypants. I’ve got news for you pal, you ain’t leading but two things right now: Jack and s&!t… and Jack just left town.”


    “Good. Bad. I’m the one with the gun.”

    Posts: 1552

    A couple of lines form Caddyshack come to mind. Both from Rodney!
    He picks up a hat and says, “nice hat, what do you get a free cup of soup with it.” as he turns and sees Ted Knight with the same hat on and says, “hey but it looks good on you” and rolls his eyes.LOL.
    Or when Rodney is introduced to Spaulding. “Nice kid, nice kid, now I know why tigers eat their young.”

    There has to be hundreds of one liners in Caddyshack, that is what made it a great comedy. One night a year or so ago a local radio station picked a one liner out of Caddyshack and if you called in and guessed it, you won tickets to something. I have seen the movie many, many times but it was not until the radio show that I realized how many one liners were in it!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    Here is some good stuff from Chevy Chase’s “Fletch.”

    Fletch: I didn’t want to do this, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to pull rank on you. I’m with the Mattress Police. There are no tags on these mattresses.

    Fletch: Oh, you’ve remodeled the garage. Must have cost you hundreds.

    [During a proctological exam.]
    Fletch: Using the whole fist, Doc?
    Madeline: I’m sorry, who are you again?
    Fletch: I’m Frieda’s boss.
    Madeline: Who’s Frieda?
    Fletch: My secretary.

    Doc: That’s an interesting name, Mr…?
    Fletch: Babar.
    Doc: Is that with one B or two?
    Fletch: One. B-A-B-A-R.
    Doc: That’s two.
    Fletch: Yeah, but not right next to each other, that’s what I thought you meant.
    Doc: Isn’t there a children’s book about an elephant named Babar.
    Fletch: Ha, ha, ha. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any.
    Doc: No children?
    Fletch: No elephant books.

    Fletch: Did you steal this car?
    Teenager: I sure did!
    Fletch: Well, I’m not sure that’s even a crime anymore, there’ve been a lot of changes in the law.

    Fletch: You know, if you shoot me, you’re liable to lose a lot of those humanitarian awards.

    [To Gail Stanwyck, who answers the door wearing a towel.]
    Fletch: Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.
    [Fletch is being framed for drug possession by two very large cops]
    Fletch: Aren’t you gonna read me my rights?
    Cop: You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to have your face kicked in by me. You have the right to have your balls stomped on by him.
    Fletch: I think I’ll waive my rights.
    Gail Stanwyck: Look at her would you look at her. She looks like a hooker. Could you love someone who looked like that?
    Fletch: What are you talking about? Of course not! Five, ten minutes tops, maybe.
    [After paying his ex-wife’s attorney, Fletch walks him to the door.]
    Fletch: Keep ten for yourself. Go and get yourself a nice piece of .
    [After Fletch gets kicked in the crotch]
    Gummy: Fletch! Are you all right?!
    Fletch: Oh, yeah. I feel like a hundred dollars.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683


    Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

    Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

    Now that is a movie.

    Aitkin, MN
    Posts: 160

    Ralphie talking about his old man in “A Christmas Story”

    “He worked in profanity like other artists might work in oils or clay”

    or the “Jerk” when Navid Johnson is working at a carnival:

    “Oh, so it’s a profit deal ‘eh, well that takes all the pressure off!”

    Aitkin, MN
    Posts: 160

    or how about from Vacation when the gang is in the car:

    We’re all gonna have so much f’ing fun we’re gonna need plastic surgury to remove our g-d smiles! You’ll be whistling Zip-a-dee-do-da out of your aholes!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    [Ezekiel 25:17 among others]
    Jules: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Greatest lines have got to be from Tombstone.

    “He was quoting the bible, Revelations. Behold the pale horse, the man who sits on it is death, and hell follow with him”

    Well Johny Ringo, looks like someone just walked all over your grave.

    The last great ride of Wyatt Erp and his band of Immortals.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Cheech and Chong

    It’s Labrador man, my dog ate my stash and I followed him around for weeks.

    This of course is a memory from my younger days long ago

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    “There must be steriods in macaroni”

    “It’s in da hole”
    “Oh Dolly I’m hot today”
    “Double farts”

    Ryan Hale

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Reservoir Dogs
    “Why do I have to be Mr.Pink?”

    Stuck on You
    “Do you mind writing on your knees?”

    Dodge Ball
    “If you can dodge a wrench,you can dodge a ball”

    Stand by Me
    “There is nothing like a Winston after supper”

    Ryan Hale

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    “Who’s the only one here who knows illegal ninja moves from the goverment?!”

    Napoleon Dynamite

    Posts: 1025

    Anything from SLAPSHOT

    They brought their f@%#$*@! toys

    What you give for these guys a used puck bag!

    Foilin up you guys want some

    I’m listining to the ______ song

    Movie is a classic!!!!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    Anything from SLAPSHOT

    What you give for these guys a used puck bag!

    That is my all time favorite line from any movie


    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    “Just be the ball……be the ball……just…..be the ball…….your not being the ball…..well it’s kind of hard with you talking like that.”

    “well that it’s then…..we’ll just get married. Oh god that’s all I need. You don’t want to marry me Danny. Yes I do. No ya don’t. Yes I do! No ya don’t. YES I DO!!”

    “Misses Cramer…..I’m….watching you….you little monkey woman…..your lean and mean and not to far between……bark like a dog for me.”

    “Madonna with meat ball.”

    “So Maggie, how was it? How was what? Well I guess it couldn’t have been that good then.”

    “mister Havacamp….mister Havacamp the green is this way….just hit it……That’s a peach hun……golly I’m hot today”

    ” you know I’ve alway aspired to go to college…..but (sigh) it look like my folks won’t have the money to send me. Well the world needs ditch digger too.”

    I just hate that movie!


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