Message to James-

  • Anonymous

    You taped and ice fishing show with a guy that aired last winter crappie fishing. The next week, I believe, a show aired with the same guy winter fishing Pool 4. Did you reveal the name of that lake on the show (I dont recall) and if so can you provide any additional info?


    Posts: 780

    Actually, that little lake doesn’t have an “official” name. Its only about 10, maybe 15 acres, and off the beaten path more than a little. But, as you saw, its loaded with nice crappies. That show was filmed in the middle of the day….. major high pressure…. crystal clear conditions in late January. The whole topic of the show was that if you get a topographical map of a given area you can easily find little gems like that body of water. Which is what we did. We didn’t know that particular land owner from Adam. That particular land owner was very willing to let us go in and fish but he did ask that we not reveal openly where that little lake was. The fishing there was good due to the low pressure and you know the old saying about a good grappie bite…. by the time you hear about it from more than one person…. its already TOO late to get in on the good fishing.

    that being said, I’m sure you understand why I can’t post here where that lake was. A promise is a promise. However, if you ever see me in person, just ask me and I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction!

    Do take the time this winter to do a little detective work to find a couple of these little honey-holes for yourself. It was really quite easy for us to find this particular one and a guy could put together a half dozen in no time and have awesome late season panfish action pretty much locked up for themselves.

    Let me know if you give it a try!

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service

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