Lake Superior

  • Anonymous

    After experiencing an incredible aerial display on the “Breakwater” in Two Harbors, I’m headed back up there again. Since I take pride in learning, acquiring and successfully fishing shore locations, this spot has a lot of potential. I’m wondering if anyone else has fished the shores of Lake Superior in the Two HArbors area and if they have any suggestiuons for presentations and locations?

    We were throwing spoons with some success, but it felt like if we just tweeked our offer a tad things would have really heated up!

    ALso, if any knows if the recent rains has started good flow in the Knife or Lester rivers? I forgot to add, for those of you with boats and/or either experience trolling, I noticed quite a few rigs trolling about a 1/4 off shore. Things must be heating up eh?

    Thanks and keep the rods bendin’!!!!

    Jim W

    Edited by Jim W on 10/10/01 11:52 AM.


    This past weekend was breautiful on the North Shore! I caught my first Chinook (3-4 pounds)! I was “launching” a 1/2 oz. gold Kastmaster, letting it sink briefly then retrieving it with a periodic change in speed, when this fish smashed it!

    People were catching “loopers” on spawn/eggs sacs and steel head were brought in on “slinkies”(lindy type set-up) tipped with an inflated night crawler!

    I lost a fish to a jump on the “Break water” and a couple more on the “FLats” just up from Stony Point!

    When fishing from shore you need to really send your presentation a ways out, especially at the flats/stony point or else you’ll loose some tackle(like I did).

    Lots of people fishing around the confluence of the French river( one report of very rude fisherman), nearly elbow to elbow! You can find shore line where no one else is at and still catch fish! The flow on the tribs isn’t quite suffice for a run, so fish are impatiently waiting out form most confluences!!!

    If you have time and some gas, head up NOrth!

    Jim W

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