legal question on haverhill reservoir?

  • gassman
    Rochester,MN. U.S
    Posts: 17

    Went to fish friday pm and the silver creek RD. is posted no parking every 50ft. on both sides of road. I talked to DNR monday and was told as long as its a county RD. you can park on it. But I talked to a guy and he said its a township RD. I think its a bunch of BS they have their own private lake we paid for…any recourse we can do?

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Who posted the signs? I’d find that out first, probably talk with the local law. Depending how that goes, then the MNDOT, I know cities change speed limit signs all the time, legally speaking it doen’t not change the legal speed limit, those are set by MNDOT atleast on state and county roads, city roads may be a different story, but I don’t think so. So there are cities out there posting signs that really aren’t legal, I suspect this to be the case in Afton where the speed limit used to be higher going south out of town, MNDOT can tell you, and MNDOT’s will stand up in court.

    In other words, if the local law enforcement stands behind the signs, you should still look higher up, find out what reason they now have no parking signs, doubtful they can just put them up because they feel like it.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    we always park along the road next to where the creek enters the reservoir in the winter ice fishing and never had anybody bother us

    Rochester,MN. U.S
    Posts: 17

    i also fished it this winter but these signs went up about a week ago. Now I think the sheriff dept. cangive out tickets and hold up in court.The court threw out a bunch of tickets last winter, but I don’t know why?

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