Marine Radio/CD Player

  • bow1
    Maynard, Iowa
    Posts: 75

    How much of a job is installing a radio/ cd player in a boat. I have a Alumacraft 165 CS Mag. Any tips for wiring etc. Thanks and have a great weekend.

    Maynard, Iowa
    Posts: 75

    Thats kind of what I had planned. Any top brands to choose from, radios that is. Thanks

    Harmony, MN
    Posts: 173

    IMO Clarion makes the best CD player for a boat. When you are going to put one in a boat i would advise not to skimp and go with a cheapo as you will not be happy.


    Posts: 701

    big NO on aquatronics imho also


    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    You should have a place to install a radio on your dash/console. Get a dremel tool with a cutting bit($35) you will also use it all over the house. Trace the template for the deck and wire the + and – to the battery or at the fuse block. Install an antenna and cut your holes for the speakers.
    Brand wise for the deck you can use just about anything. Just be sure to install a weather case/door with the deck. But make sure the speakers are poly or waterproof, not weather proof. Pretty simple to install.

    Theres a million decks and speakers on e-bay.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    Alvin, did Kooty install yours ?!!!!

    big g

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I have been very happy ordering stuff from They have a marine section for radios with CD players plus marine speakers. Check out the Sony for $129. Plus they have Clarion and other good brands.

    No tax, plus free shipping…can’t beat that!

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