This is for those of you that have absolutely nothing better to do than read junk on the internet.
The local Man’s store has had to put up with me in the past. Things like taking a half an hour to pick through a pile of 2 x 4’s to get the right ones or having a kid flip through a dozen 3/4″ – 8’x10′ sheets of plywood to get one with fewer knotholes didn’t seem to phaze them too badly. Yesterday was a little different story.
I picked up a few small items and the lovely young cashier said the total was $22.84. I took out the billfold and found a ten, which I handed to her. Next came two fives which were handed to her. More searching yielded 3 ones of which I handed her two, much to her chagrin. She could see it coming. Into the pocket for some change. Of course there were truck keys, pocket knife, comb, and other assorted goodies above the change, so considerable digging was involved. I could see eyes starting to roll on the guys in line behind me. The first search came up with a quarter, some nickles, and a penny. I gave her the quarter. Next search – 2 quarters, another nickle, and a couple of pennies. Gave her the 2 quarters and a nickle for a total of 80 cents. I believe she was expecting one of the other nickles, but no, time for another dig. Tension was filling the air. YES, another penny! I added it to the three I had already found and dropped them into her long awaiting hand. As could be expected when things are going this way, one of the pennies jumped right out of her hand, hit the floor, and rolled under the counter. So now she is on her hands and knees trying to locate the penny. I didn’t even dare to glance at the guys standing in line anymore. In fact, I believe one had left for another line already. The cashier found the penny, sorted the change into her cash drawer, and handed me the receipt with a surly “Have a good day, ‘SIR'”. No sense of humor I guess. So with a happy “See y’all” I took my stuff and left. Old people can be cruel at times.
True story, but this isn’t something I would do on purpose because I am as impatient in line as anybody, but the way it worked out reminded me of many a time some OF dug for exact change while people were waiting. All my change will be going into the grandkid’s piggy bank again.