May 26 at 7PM the I.O.W.A. Walleye Tournament Trail is putting on a walleye seminar at Hooters in DesMoines. There will be a panel of 7 walleye fisherman that will be addressing techniques and offering the audience an opportunity for a Q/A session. The Panel will consist of Alan Wittmus, former Iowa State Champion, Joe and Cathy Kirk, Husband and wife team, David Lampe tournament fisherman, Joe Kalvig, Has cashed checks using pratically every technique, Jim Trow, 2005 MWC Champion and Scott Reed from Pure Fishing. Pure Fishing will be providing door prizes for the first 50 people that attend. Other perks to be provided by Hooters. Please mark your calenders to attend this as it promises to be very informative and a GREAT time!
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