New Boat Seats

  • johnnyb
    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    Need everyone’s advice/opinion. I own a 1991 Alumacraft Phantom 170. I am the only owner of the boat. I still love the boat and it is still in very good shape. The problem that I have run into is that the hinges on the folding seats are wearing out. I contacted Alumacraft, and as I figured they no longer use or have these hinges in stock. They have other hinges but they won’t match up to the old hinges, making it a pain to replace the hinges. I have been out looking at Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops to name a few sources for replacement seats. I never dreamed the wide variety available, as well as, the wide price range.

    My question is: has anyone gone through this process recently, and can give me your opinion of the seats you purchased? Where did you purchase them? My current seats have a strap to hold the seat down when running down the water, did you have problems finding replacements that have straps? I noticed not many of them out their indicate that they come with straps. After fishing from your replacement seats for a while are you still happy with your choice? If you had to do it again, would you do anything differently this time?

    I realize I asked a bunch of questions, but I want to make an informed decission that I won’t regret 3/4’s of the way through a tough day on the water.

    Thanks everyone for your opinions……..JohnnyB

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    A couple of years ago I went though the same thing on my Yarcraft, I started out with some lower cost seats form Cabela’s. It only took 1 time out in some waves and both of the seats I bought started to crack. I returned them with out any problems and bought the Tempess seats with the removeable covers. The seats are very comfortable and hold up in the waves. Hope this helps, good luck.

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 127

    Hey, WE just bought a lund last fall, we bought it with 2 seats in it but tey were shot. we went to cabelas and looked around and settled on some hi back seats, PM i could get you soem pics, the seats are great so far, they also came in lo back. if you want some pics pm me

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I was in the same boat last year. I bought some higher end seats from Cabelas. I now have mismatched seats as I replaced the originals two but keep them around for extras if I have more people in the boat. I think I paid somewhere around $100 per seat, but do not regret it one bit. I had my wife go to Cabelas with me, and sit in the seats. Then she told me which one felt the nicest on her tushy. I paid a little more for them, but after 10-12 hours in the boat, it is well worth it. Buy the best seats you can afford, and you will not be disapointed.

    At the same time, I purchased a couple of the air ride adjustable brackets (the rod the seat sits in). Another great investment. I highly recomend if you don’t have them now.

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    Where did you get the air ride adjustable brackets? I have seen some boats with them and they look like they would be very comfortable.

    Thanks for your input, the Tempress seats you spoke of is one of the models I was looking at, glad to here you are still happy with them.

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    Thanks for this info…..

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Tempress seats….sturdy and comfortable and hold up to fat guys like me!

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    That’s good to know….Thanks Lou I have to admit I am not a tiny guy myself…..JohnnyB

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