New to Mississippi River

  • bjacks50
    Menomonie, Wisconsin
    Posts: 20

    Hello all, I moved to Wisconsin from Ohio about 2 years ago so that I would be in an area that I would be able to fish 365 days a year for walleye. I have a 14 foot boat with a 25 horse motor and have made the venture down to the big river a couple of times. The last time I put in at Stockholm intending to fish the Maiden Rock flats but the river was so rough I literally feared I would not be able to make it back to the ramp. Needless to say I survived but have not been back since.

    So my question for you guys is this, can I safely fish the river from a 14 footer and still catch walleye? I know that during the spawn I would be plenty safe in the river portion but what about the main lake? I will not make the same mistake twice about trying to venture to places like Maiden Rock but can I fish safely down toward Pepin? I have fished for walleye my entire life and would love to catch some of those pigs I see in all the posts. My fishing partner is my 5 year old son so safety is of upmost importance. No, he was not in the boat during my rough water adventure to the flats.

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 264


    The key I have found out is to stay out of the wind by fishing behind points or pieces of land. Try launching your boat and fishing on the side of the lake the direction the wind is blowing from. Lake Pepin can become an ocean within minutes if the wind is strong enough. I try to stay off it when winds hit 20 mph sustained. It gets rough even with in 17 foot Lund. You may have to try and fish on days when the wind is light 10 mph or under. I have fished Lake Pepin in a 12 footer with an 8 horse Johnson and it was windier than h*ll. I learned my lesson the hard way just like you . You can fish near Alma, Red Wing, the head of Pepin, and near Covill and catch fish as well. Every time I am out I always see at least one 12 footer on the water. Just stay out of the wind and play it safe .

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2833

    If I were taking a 5 y/o out on the River I would buy a bigger boat and probably look at a V-bottom. 14 foot in my opinion is the bare minimun for running the River. What hull design do you have. Not to say that on calm days you will not be ok, but what if a freak front moves in and the wind really picks up. Scare your partner now and he may never want to fish again.

    Menomonie, Wisconsin
    Posts: 20

    It is a V bottom, I was thinking that when he was out w/me I would fish mostly at the bottom end of Pepin around Wabasha and maybe up to the town of Pepin. It seems that that area would be more sheltered. I just wasnt sure if I would have much sucess. I am planning on getting a larger boat as soon as the funds become available. Let me re-phrase that “if” the funds come available.(just in case the wife is reading this )

    Alma, Wi
    Posts: 68


    Pick up a map of pools 4&5.I imagine you may already have them, but Cabela’s and Gander Mountain have them. Also a NOAA weather band radio is very handy to listen to before you head out. They are available at radio shack for very little money. Much more accurate than channel 13.

    Try launching your boat in Wabasha, run towards the lake, if it looks to rough, look at your new map and fish some of the backwater holes around Wabasha. Indian slough is no secret. Your boat is just fine, just keep your wits about you. I lived and fished this area all my life in every boat imaginable. Learn the river and respect it before you tear up a $40,000 fishing boat. Just my thoughts and opinion. Take it or leave it.

    I’m back out.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2584

    I had a 14′ v-hull that I used for hunting and winter fishing boat for a couple years until I sold it this spring. It was a great boat! Small boats can be easier to handle when fishing alone. I actually miss the thing already. Use common sense with the big water, spend more time in the river portion of P4, and you’ll be just fine.

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