I had a Yam 9.9 remote hooked to the big engine, Yam controls in the boat and key start up front, the whole ball of beans. I thought I had a good deal until I fished with James Holst who taught me tons about precision boat control in seams and pockets. Precise control cannot be achieved with the motors hooked together and through a steering wheel. Not only that but it takes 2 hands to run the wheel and the throttle, no hands left for fishing. I upgraded to a T8 tiller, have 2 seat bases on the deck and pop one of my rear seats into those bases when I fish precision tactics. I bought the Yamaha remote brackets, installed them on the T8 and can still hook the motors together if I troll on BIG water or in really lousey conditions with the sun top up. I love this setup and am more than pleased with the whole deal.
May 8, 2006 at 1:59 am